This Halloween was a great one for the memory books. Claire was a strawberry, Ashley was Miss America, Jake was Mario and Luke was a Vampire. I've learned a few lessons over the year about Halloween as a mom, and I think I'm catching on.
1 - It doesn't matter what the kids want to be - they get to pick. Typically if we choose costumes too early, they change their minds so we wait. And what does it matter if they are one thing at one party and another thing at another party? I figure as long as it's in the costume box, they can go crazy and have fun being anything they want.
2 - Halloween night is an important night for a good dinner, made early or in the crockpot. This year I did roast and I filled their bellies with meat and potatoes before they set out on the candy-fest. It makes me feel better, and keeps stomach-aches at bay!
3 - This Halloween was a fun-filled night for our family to be togeter. A few years ago, we had only toddlers who really didn't understand the holiday and went to bed early. In a few more short years we will have pre-teens who want to hang with their friends for trick-or-treating. But this year we had them all together, excited to be with their family and move as a group. It was the best. I'm grateful for the phase we're in.
4- Halloween is one of Tyler's favorite holidays (passed on from his father who still buys boxes of full-size candy bars at costco to pass out). He loves decorating the porch, buying good candy to give out, putting spooky music on and wearing his scary mask all in the name of a good Halloween night for the neighborhood kids, and ours. It's funny listening to him ask, "Do you want some chocolate covered eye-balls" as he drops a box of milk-duds into their buckets. I seriously have to laugh.

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