We set up the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. I loved it - Christmas music blaring, kids bouncing off the walls and decorations being flung all over the house.
Santa came to pack meeting at the church the next week. I snapped Claire's 2011 photo and of course had her all dressed up right for the occasion! Too bad she liked being on daddy's lap much better!
Last Saturday we had what we call our family gift exchange. Since we tend to leave town for Christmas every year we've started this tradition of everyone giving one gift to each member of our family. We take the kids to the dollar store where price isn't an issue and they shop with their own baskets in hand. It's adorable. This year I got a pool float from Jake, Tyler got a musical Christmas tie from Ashley, Luke got a dove chocolate bar from Ashley, Jake got a box of crayons and coloring book from Luke and Ashley and Claire got a new sippy-cup, toy and wash cloth from her siblings. The goodness of giving.
We love this time of year and look forward to all the fun the next two weeks will bring!! Merry Christmas to all!