

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gone Campin'

We went camping this weekend up in the mountains (about two hours from here). It was such a nice getaway and for the first time since living here I started to get an understanding of where the good recreational activities can be found in this state! Along the way we found the Salt River and saw many people tubing down it, we came across Saguaro Lake and talked about how fun it would be to own a boat someday, and then we drove up higher and higher to the cooler air and found the big pine trees and huge Cactus. I will admit that also for the first time since living here I really thought that the Saguaro Cactus' were pretty. I hate even writing that, for fear that I might begin decorating my home "Aztec style", but they were. Too bad I didn't take any pictures of them.

Our family had a blast being up there with our new ward! The campsite was great and the boys stayed busy exploring. Ashley has a cute new group of little girl friends and they just ganged around together. I loved it.

The smores were as to be expected, too good. The fire was warm and filled everything we own with the woodsy smell of smoke. The air-mattress that four of us (all but Jake) slept on was comfortable, and mostly flat by the morning. The breakfast burritos were surprisingly delicious. And the pictures we caught are already priceless. There's just nothing like driving away from the routine, meeting up with friends, sitting around a campfire, rolling in the dirt and having fun quite like there is when you go camping!

Gone Fishin'

On our way home from camping Tyler swung us by a fish hatchery. It was a pretty fun stop where the kids could feed the big trout and learn how the people raise them from an egg into a fish that's ready to head down stream. After stopping there we drove a few miles down stream to, ironically, a Fishing Hole, where we paid $1 for a pole and caught ourselves three trout within 5 minutes. I thought that was funny. But $23 dollars later we'd had ourselves quite an experience.

The kids were excited about the prospect of catching something so quickly! Luke loved grabbing the caught fish with his net. Jake stared in amazement at everything Tyler did to remove the hook from the fishes' mouths and drop them into the bucket. And Ashley reminded us over and over whenever we asked her to help with something that she was a GIRL! I was okay with the feild trip until I started feeling bad for the fish as they lay dying in the bucket. And then when the lady whacked them on the top of the head with her scizzors, chopped their heads off and sliced their guts out - all infront of the kids - I couldn't help but shutter (we had to take home everything we caught). The only cool part of that process was when she set one of their tiny little hearts on the countertop and we watched it beat about six more times before it stopped. That sounds so morbid as I write it. But when else can a child watch a beating heart come to a stop? Ah well.

We came home and fired up the Barbie. Tyler and I, again, shuttered at the prospect of eating the fish we'd caught but the kids sure didn't. They loved it! And begged us for more! Definitely a surprise. So that was this year's lesson in the food chain I guess. All in the name of teaching children, right?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fresh & Easy

I guess "Fresh & Easy" is the theme of my new life, as well as my new favorite place to grocery shop! With Luke and Ash having started school last week my life is feeling different in so many ways. Our mornings are very calm and smooth and the kids are able to get their list of things done before they head off. Because school doesn't start until 9:00, they can watch some TV and relax and then we have breakfast together, read scriptures and have prayers. We get them ready, their rooms clean, lunches, etc and we head out to walk them over to the school. It is of course unthinkably hot, so I don't usually shower until after I walk them (and most days until after 4:00 when I've gone to pick them up!) so then Jake and I head over to the gym together. Often, we swing through Dunkin Donuts on the way out of the parking lot because it sits next door to LA Fitness - and tempted as I am I don't treat myself, only him to his favorite, strawberry frosted.

We're in a lot of playgroups and keep busy every morning. And every afternoon from about 1-4 he takes a nice, long nap in his dark, cool room in the basement. It's heavenly for both of us.

So with my new found alone time during nap and freedom to shop around more and experiment with new things (only having one to tote around) I am trying to use the sewing machine everyday to do something, even something little (I need practice) and I'm also recommitted to feed our family better. Last Sunday I literally hit a wall with all the simple white carbs we were living off of (Bisquick) and I about threw up. I sought the wisdom of a good, wise friend on Monday and have since been eating so much better, cooking better and shopping better - and as I said my new favorite grocery store is Fresh & Easy - because it really is both of those two things! For those who haven't tried the place, do. And for those who don't have one close it's too bad because they are cool. They are small, about the size of a walgreens and have everything you'd like to get in healthy, quick form. Best of all, the prices are good! Really.

So the food blog I am liking is my friend Jenna's - www.just-cook-already.blogspot.com - check it out (thanks, Jenna). Tonight I made her sweet potato fries and dip and I have big plans to try lots of new things this week. In fact, most of the stuff I was buying at Fresh & Easy was stuff I rarely to never have purchase in our whole marriage. Sad but true.

So I am feeling good about things. Trying to lose a few so that I can get back into the majority of my shorts which have sat unworn all summer... and just wanting to feel better overall. It's nice to have time to work on it and think about it more than usual.

So with that. Goodbye. I'm going to go slip into something a little more comfortable (pushed the shorts today and am sitting with them unzipped now) and watch 17 again. Seen it?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Let them be little

You know the old song by Lonestar: Let Them Be Little? I often think about the lyrics of that song because I love it's message:

Let them be little, 'cause they're only that way for a while.
Give them hope, give them praise, give them love everyday
Let them cry, let them giggle,
Let them sleep in the middle.
Oh, let them be little.

This morning I awoke to the sound of a camera flashing in my face and ultimately to this sight:

How Tyler and I were both in this bed five minutes earlier, I don't know (he was in between the two). And how I slept perfectly fine until I realized I had Jacob's feet under my pillow is an even greater mystery. It's a good thing they are cute.

Disclaimer: Nights like this are a rare to semi-rare occasion. The kids do go to bed every night in their own rooms, tend to join us some mornings around 4 or 5am and are wise enough to do it without waking either one of us up. As long as we get alone time at night and peace most of the night, we don't mind. We kind-of like it because they're fun to wake up to.

Little Orphan Annie

Ashley wears a swim cap now so that her hair stays out of her face when in the water. I think she looks adorable in it. She reminds me of Annie Warbucks.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jake!

Jake is truly a one-in-a-million kid! Tyler and I ask ourselves on a daily basis where we got him and how he possibly has so much personality at such a young age.

The things he says are classic one-liners; The things he can do with his body; His intensity; His activity level; His facial expressions; His determination; His love; His tender heart. Jacob is exhausting but ever so precious!

Our home simply would not be the same without Jake. He turns up the volume, starts the party, wakes us up, makes us laugh. He is a goer and a doer and he is confident!

We are so proud of our sweet boy and happy to see him entering into the world of a three year old.

We love you Jake. You are a special boy!

Big Day

Ashley was up and excited early this morning. She had everything on her chore chart done by 8:00 - bed made, room cleaned, dressed, hair done, shoes on, breakfast, lunch packed, etc. She was ready to roll. Luke on the otherhand woke up leisurely, not quite as enthusiastic about this year as he was last... must be part of growing up. But he caught the fire and was also energetic before too long.

Everything went fine with drop-offs and I haven't recieved a call home, so things must be going great! :) I went to the gym this morning and then Jake and I went out for a birthday morning date with his friend Hannah and my friend Jill. We went to toysRus and then for ice-cream at Baskin-Robbins. He is having a happy day, too.

Tonight we will have a little family birthday party for Family Night. But here are some pictures of this morning: