

Friday, February 29, 2008

A Leap-Year Birthday for Maddie

It's late tonight, but I don't want to head to bed without posting something special for my sweet sister Maddie whose birthday it is today. Typically at this point of not seeing straight because it has been such a long day I would say "oh, I'll do something for her tomorrow." BUT since TODAY is her REAL birthday, this post has to be dated TODAY, and not tomorrow - this is only her fifth REAL birthday of her life. How would that be?! All I know is I would be expecting people to pull out all the stops. You better believe it!

So anyway Maddie, if you are reading (and I will call to make sure you do!) I want you to know how much I love you. I think you are beautiful, talented, brillant, funny and kind. Your creative and fun-loving, wild and passionate ways are much needed in this family. We are thankful for YOU!

I hope your day was full of love and happiness. I wish we all could have celebrated together. Was looking for a picture of you to post...and came across this one first. Something about it made me smile and think it would work. Happy Birthday! :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Here's to a GREAT 8!

Yesterday Tyler and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary. As is tradition, we planned a weekend away and my wonderful mom once again came to take care of the kids. They were as excited about spending time with her as we were to pull out of the driveway Thursday night! We couldn't get out of there fast enough!
So we were off to Irvine, CA, a five hour drive from here. We left with few plans, but I was committed not to get out of bed until noon the next day. It was amazing.

We enjoyed plenty of time relaxing at the hotel, and great entertainment that is so nice when spent with the one you love! The beach, shopping, eating out, movies, room service... One of the weekend's hightlights was Knotts-berry farm where we about lost our lives on the ghetto old wooden coaster. We laughed and I cried coming in the gate. Torturous.

Every year when we take a few days get away together it makes our anniversary so special. I am lucky to be married to my best friend. XO XO Ty. Thanks for a great trip

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Todd and Nat's Visit.

This weekend Todd and Natalie drove down to spend some time with us. It was so wonderful to see them and get some quality time with them here at our house. Unfortunately it rained all day Friday which was a bummer but we ended up having a fun date night at the KEG for dinner and playing games at Dave and Busters. Sunday we borrowed some bikes and enjoyed a beautiful bike ride around the neighborhood. It was an event all of us could enjoy, even Jakey as we stopped at the park and had some laughs and picked fruit along the way! We love you Todd and Nat


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Charlie Bit Me

Maddie had me watch this cute video on YouTube and I thought it was so cute that I added it here. Enjoy.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Two of my favorite QUOTES

I love these two quotes because they remind me of who I want to be and how I can find balance from day to day. I have the first one up in my kitchen to read often and the second one in my baby's room where I can see it from the rocking chair. Sometimes things can seem so crazy but when I read this first quote from Sister Hinckley I am reminded that life was not designed to be clean and orderly and calm all the time! I do appreciate the reminder also to soak in the moments with my little kids and to forget about all the stuff (like excess housework) that will always be here waiting for me tomorrow.

I really lived - "I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with grass stains on my shoes from mowing Sister Schenk's lawn. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbor's children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."

"Babies Don't Keep - Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow...for babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow...So quiet down cobwebs -dust go to sleep...I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."

Backyard Fun!

The kids and I had a good time today out in our semi-new backyard as I tried to get some weeds sprayed. We recently re-landscaped with artificial turf (pathetic and amazing at the same time!) and built a new garden along the side of the house. I took these pictures mainly for Ali to see, but ended up with some cute ones of the kids and thought I'd share with you all.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My sister tagged me recently and since I find myself with some time tonight, here goes.
10 years ago- 10 years ago I was... a month away from 18. I can hardly remember back that far. I had a group of best friends - Jana, DeeDee, Megan, Hillary, Kristine, Jessica. I drove "the beast" around the Plateau and worked at KinderCare I think.

5 things to do on my list today-1. Get the kids to school. 2. Clean out the car
3. Pick up and paint Ashley's new dresser
4. Take dinner to a friend. 5. Fold and put away laundry
Snacks I enjoy. HoneyMaid Smores (amazing, try 'em). Reducted-fat Wheat Thins with cheese, Fruit rolls, chocolate anything
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire
Have Tyler quit his job so we could hang out together all day. Find an interest/job/service for each of us to work on when we got bored. Hire out three things which I daydream about regularly. 1- A healthy and good chef in the kitchen 2- a laundry maid to do all start to finish and 3- a massusse to use at my discretion.
3 of my bad habits. Saying things I shouldn't around the kids (crap)
Not washing my face before bed, ever. and back to the laundry thing- leaving folded laundry out so long that we use it again before it gets put away. Pathetic.
5 places I have lived
1. Littleton, CO
2. Yakima, WA
3. Seattle, WA
4. Provo, UT
5 Englewood, CO
Jobs that I have had 1. Confetti Junction (a party store...I blew up balloons w/ my sis Ali)
2. KinderCare- taught the infant, 1's and 2's classes
4. Safeway- bagger/courtesy clerk
5 things people don't know about me. I sleep with my retainers every night,
My fingers are double-jointed, my favorite movies are Father of the Bride I and II, Return to Me and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I love eating chips and quac' at Chipotle, I love to bargain hunt/shop to find a diamond in the rough!

tag anyone who knows I look at their blog often...I love reading these things!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Elder Mugleston

On Tuesday morning Tyler, Jake and I flew to Utah to see Drew off on his mission. It was a very big event for our family and was filled with many emotions. That night before he was set apart (as an official missionary) our family went to dinner which was memorable. We had a "five minute funeral" for him - which is a tradition in my family where we go around the room sharing our feelings about someone to honor them on their birthday or any other special day. It was sweet to hear what my sisters and mom had to say about Drew.
Wednesday was the big day. Before we went to the MTC we got to stop by the BYU football office where Drew was invited to say goodbye to the coaches. It was so cool of them to take time out of their busy schedules to bid him farewell and to show their love and support after all this time. It was all Tyler and I could do to keep cool while meeting coach Mendenhall, sitting in his office, etc. Very fun.
At the MTC Drew was quiet but ready. Two years feels like a long time when you are looking down the barrel at it. He will be a wonderful missionary and bring many people to Christ through his love and strong testimony of the gospel. I know that many special experiences await him. Anyway, here are the pictures. Great time.

Friday, February 1, 2008


I took a long lunch today and started the Superbowl Tailgate early - in Glendale. Major party outside the stadium. Gotta love AZ in February!