

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Two months old Mikey

Michael is two months old already. He looks about 4 months old and I keep waiting for him to become playful and giggly with us. We all love him so much we snuggle him and squeeze him and smile at him all the time. He does smile back here and there and will have the sweetest cooing conversations once in a while now. Talk about melt my heart!

His little cheeks are actually not so little. Everyone comments on them! But they are clearing up now and becoming ever so kissable. His blue eyes are gorgeous. I could gaze into them all day. I just love how the eyes are the window to the soul. Poetry? Yes. But that's how I feel when I look into my baby's eyes and see someone in there, thinking and computing away. Oh I love my children!!

Mikey went to the doctor yesterday morning. Weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs 15 ozs! Pure chub. He also got three shots and was the fussiest he has ever been yesterday. Just wanting to be held and flinching when his thighs were bumped. Poor baby. I didn't mind snuggling him all afternoon while watching Hitched and eating my last plate of Thanksgiving leftovers while Claire napped. Simple pleasures.

Michael consistently sleeps through the night 9, 10, sometimes 11 hours stretches. Atta boy. I keep telling him he can have whatever he wants during the day if he will give me those kind of nights. Eat every two hours? You bet. Wanna be held? No problem.

He still has not let out his first big cry yet. I know, it sounds crazy but that's just Mikey. The two words that best describe him:  Calm and Content.  He started working himself up in the car the other day and I made Tyler pull over!  Even after 5 children I couldn't handle to hear him sad and Tyler thought I was nuts. But I told him I know our Mikey and if he's working up I just have to help him. He needed to burp - or something - and I can't treat him like any other infant who cries here and there. Mikey doesn't.

In most recent news, Micheal Joseph was blessed on Sunday by daddy. It was a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend Sunday and many friends and family were able to be here with us. Michael of course was an angel and smothered in love.

We are blessed to have this sweet, adorable, special baby in our home for the holidays this year. There is just nothing else like it. Our hearts are full of thanks.