

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day 2011

We kidnapped daddy this morning and took him on a new adventure for father's day! Ashley was up first at 5:20, ten minutes before we had Luke's alarm secretly set for, and we quickly and quietly loaded the car! I got Claire from her bed while the kids went in to wake Tyler, announcing that he needed to get dressed and get in the car. I was waiting in the driveway minutes later when he appeared, laughing half awake and wondering what was going on and where in the world we were going at 5:45am.
We went on an hour long drive to a place highly recommended by friends and neighbors, Boyce Thompson Arboretum. It was so perfect for us! A beautiful (for the desert) botanical garden with hiking trails, and flowers, and shade, and wildlife. We had a really fun time! And now we can highly recommed it to others.
By 8:30 we were ready to go have some breakfast so went to IHOP and came home by 10am. It was a great start to the weekend - and something I knew Tyler would really enjoy. So I'm glad it went off without a hitch - and the kids and I succeeded in our surprise! :)

D-backs vs Giants Game

Aunt Kristen came into town for the Giants game this week. She is a huge fan - and didn't want to pass up the opportunity of great seats here against the diamonbacks! My mom, Ali and I got in on the fun, too, sporting Giants gear (that Kris brought us all!). It was a very fun night out with the girls and the Giants WON - and, equally thrilling, we were on T.V.!! :)

See Kristen and me hamming it up in the third row? This picture was taken of the TV by Drew's phone, then texted to Ali to show we were on, then saved to her camera card and emailed to me. Technology these days!...

First Story Time

Books aren't only chew toys anymore - she likes looking at the pages and hearing daddy read. :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Another one I can't pass up. Look at this dress Aunt Shonnie sent!

Les Miserables

I got us tickets to Les Mis for Tyler's birthday. We went Saturday and had a great night. He and I have been singing and humming and listening to the songs all weekend. I love my man.

They've Arrived!

Blake and Ali arrived last week! We were more than happy to help them unpack and still can't believe they're here to stay. All that's left now to do is enjoy being together!

Berry Delicious!

Keeping Claire cool with juicy strawberries and fruit smoothie - she was a happy girl!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Swim Season is upon us, yet again!

Luke has begun swimming again this summer. He had his second meet last week and so far has brought home two second place ribbons and one first! Here is a video of his win swimming the backstroke.

Steve was in town helping Blake and Ali move in so he came out to support Luke. He was entertained by the culture of Phoenix, Arizona summer sports - the way we all pitch tents and umbrellas to build shade for our families and send our little ones into the splash pads fully clothed to keep cool! It's definitely a way of life down here.

But congrats to Luke! He always makes it worth the effort to come out and watch him!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

7 months old

My tiny one. 7 months old and starting to sit up on her own! What a development and change in perspective for her. Exciting also because grocery carts and high chairs will come soon, what fun!

Her daily schedule is like clock-work, rarely varying by more than 30 mins, equally due to my preference and her personality:

6-7am - wakes up, Tyler gets her, brings her to my bed and I feed her lying down.
7:30 - baby food meal in the bumbo while the family also eats breakfast
8:00 - morning nap
10 - 10:30 - wakes up, nurses for the second time
11:30 - baby food meal
Noon - down for second nap
2-2:30 - wakes up, nurses for the third time
3:30 - baby food meal
4:00 - down for third nap
5:00 - up, eats a baby food meal when the family has dinner
6:30 - bath, lotion (sugar), jammies, nurses a fourth time
7 - 8pm - bed

As far as the routine:

Naps and bedtime happen in her bed or a pack and play only (carseat when we're out or my arms at church, but that's a struggle). We use a white noise maker and it is like a trigger for sleep when she hears it. I put her fuzzy blanket on my shoulder and she pops her fingers into her mouth, lies her head on my shoulder and begins to hum. I hum softly back. We do that for a minute or two until she is settled enough to lie down, then she puts herself to sleep.

Eating is her major interest. Favorite foods include: bananas, avacado, sweet potatoes, chicken dinner, mashed potatoes, applesauce and oatmeal, cinnamon granola and pears. She's like a little birdie when she eats, opening her mouth big and wide for every bite. She can also feed herself graham crackers and saltines and likes when we put cheerios and baby puffs in her mouth for her. She no longer takes a binki.

Her favorite pasttimes are: being outside in a stroller taking in the fresh air and chewing on a toy, playing with her siblings peek-a-boo or chase and taking baths or showers.

Our lives are so joyful because we have Claire! We tell her multiple times a day how beautiful she is, how much we love her, how happy she makes us. From the moment I first held her in my arms 7 months ago I recognized what a precious gift, to be treasured and enjoyed, she is.