

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Michael you are 7 months

Time is flying by too quickly and you are growing up and changing. Your brown hair is coming in and filling your whole head. Your look is changing! You got two teeth last month, the front bottom ones came in together. You are all smiles and coos and chubby cheeks! Everyone who sees you stops me to say how beautiful you are.  I love you so much!!

There's not much more about your personality to add that I haven't already described in months past. You are THE most angelic, easy, content, sweet baby on earth. That's it. You hold in your possession the power to make or break the lifestyle of this family -- if you were fussy or didn't like the car or wouldn't sleep well at night things would be much different around here. But you do the opposite of those things, and I am thankful everyday for YOU.

5th child. Im feeling more and more like we may be done. Its like an athlete who chooses to retire on a high, after winning the Super Bowl or World Series. Why play another seasons when it may not go as well?  That's what I'm thinking. Why not stop while we're on top. YOU are the perfect happy darling last child; we could end on this high.  Maybe.  Time will tell.

At any rate, you are part of a big happy family. We love you and you love us! One of the best parts of your day is when the big kids come home. After playing the day away with your little buddy Claire, laughing at her dances and other antics, Jake, Ashley and Luke enter the door and you are all smiles. I usually send everyone out back and put you on the grass in your exersaucer. You simply beam. Watching the big kids talk, laugh, play and jump on the trampoline is thrilling for a little guy your age.  And this leaves mommy alone in the house to make dinner and get lots done. Simply perfect.

I have a feeling when swim season begins you'll love it.  Bath time is another highlight for you these days. You crack up at your own splashes and enjoy sucking water out of your washcloths. So sweet.

Food is a funny thing to you. You clearly still prefer to nurse but will investigate other food when given the chance. You are not all that interested in eating food from a spoon, you don't open your mouth much and try to grab the spoon yourself (messy!).  If I hand you something to feed yourself you're happier. But oftentimes just squeeze and explore it more than put it into your mouth after a taste or two. No one is worried about your weight tho -- you are clearly getting enough to eat -- you cute chubby thing!

We love you more than words can say.  You are a gift and blessing to me everyday. You are healthy strong and happy. I am so glad.

Love, Mom