

Friday, July 25, 2008


Luke is into the card game UNO. Really into UNO. We play approximately 20 games of UNO a day, each with its own twist about what will happen after the game depending upon who wins (I win = kids unload the dishwasher, Luke wins = play again!) As I anticipate him starting 1st grade in a few weeks and being gone during the day I am trying to soak up all the playing time I can get. Here is a picture of the kids playing UNO with their toes - in their sleep. That is how much we have been playing UNO around here! ;)

Grow Garden Grow! Stop Garden Stop!

For some reason it is really easy to have a garden here in Arizona. Typically I have a brown thumb (the opposite of green) but each year we have a lot of fun with growing a garden. Last year it was tons and tons of broccoli and some skinny carrots and over-ripe cantalope. This year we went for sunflowers, watermelon and cucumber, and oh did we have success! One thing I am going to do differently from now on is limit the number of seeds that go in to the ground when the kids plant. Historically they plant the whole package of seeds regardless of the amount of space we have and I've learned that's not so smart. But it is exciting! Here are a few of the cucumbers we've harvested... little beauties aren't they?!

And call me crazy but I truly never knew how sunflower seeds were made. Our sunflowers went up like shots, about 10 feet tall, and I think that is where the story "Jack and the Bean Stock" came from. All we could see out the kitchen window were these big green shoots... But when I noticed the middles of the flowers turning into seeds I was shocked! Probably 1000 seeds per flower!

As soon as I found the seeds beginning to fall to the ground I sent Luke out with a wooden ax and told him to take care of the things... he imagined the Giant coming down the stock for him and had a great time cutting them down! It was cute.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Solar

Many people are unfamiliar with the company that Tyler has gone to work for and what exactly First Solar is or does. He had me read a couple press releases tonight and I found a good summary paragraph that I wanted to share. I found it informative for me, at least.

About First Solar
First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq:FSLR) manufactures solar modules with an advanced thin film semiconductor technology and provides comprehensive PV solutions that significantly reduce solar electricity costs. By enabling clean, renewable electricity at competitive prices, First Solar provides an economic and environmentally responsible alternative to existing peaking fossil-fuel electric generation. First Solar PV power plants operate with no water, air emissions or waste stream. First Solar set the benchmark for environmentally responsible product life cycle management by introducing the industry's first comprehensive collection and recycling program for solar modules. From raw material sourcing through end-of-life collection and recycling, First Solar is focused on creating cost-effective renewable energy solutions that protect and enhance the environment.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I spent last evening at a local prison called traffic school and had quite an interesting time! Upon entering the 20 year old hotel-turned-traffic school building, I noticed that the air was warm and smelly and that there were way too many people in line than should have had to stay in such close quarters for so long. We began at 4:30 and were't supposed to end until 9:30. The instructor was about 70 and on a major power trip, but he had to be because most in the room were thugs who were giving him lip and he had to make sure we all knew he was boss. Lots of rules were given, NO cell phones, NO other reading materials, NO getting up except to use the bathroom ONCE and NO talking to your neighbors. I was smiling inside. I felt like this guy was a jailer.

Long story short some lady choked on her water about two hours in and got up to step out the back door because she was coughing so much. He chased her down with his finger pointed and said "Uhh.. unless you want to retake this class I suggest you step back inside NOW!" Everyone started looking around like, "you've got to be kidding!" After hashing the details about DUIs for about an hour (which is so applicable to me)we had break at about 7:00pm. Many went out for a smoke and I got the only thing I could out of the vending maching, Rootbeer and fishy crackers. It was a treat.

We resumed 10 minutes and not a second later, and soon heard a huge monsoon rolling outside. Before we knew it rain, wind and hail were coming like crazy! A tree had uprooted outside the door, water was coming in through the doorways, and the power went out! But we weren't to move. "If anybody chooses to leave this building they are looking at paying another fee and taking this class all over again!" The man was nuts!

We sat in the pitch black, 100 degree weather, parking lot flooding as we went, and learned about tailgating, HOV lanes and checking tire pressure. Classic. I couldn't believe what I was sitting through. The best part was that everyone started pulling out their cell phones to text or use the light and our instructor was clueless. At one point he saw a guy with his phone and said "oh, now don't think that just because the lights are out you can start using your phones again!" We all looked around like, "is this a joke?! Everybody is using them!" I guess he thought we all happened to have flashlights on us!

When we left at 9:20 (he let us out ten minutes early) I felt like I had tasted a prison for the first time: Treated like a number who was doing time for a crime I shouldn't have committed. 55 in a 45. I wish I could tell you that I won't be doing that again...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Fun Friday nights

Recently Tyler and I came up with something really fun to do with our family on Friday nights. With temperatures at 110+ these days our outdoor options are limited, so we've been going to the recreation center. For a couple dollars each we can put the kids in the kids club, which they like, leave them for an hour and a half and enjoy some time together, which we like! Lately we have been playing raquetball (I'm sure very amusing for those who see me "play") but this Friday we played one on one basketball and worked out a bit. The kids club closes at 8:00 so we usually get them and stay to climb the rock wall or run the track for a while. It is so cute to watch the kids run with each other. All in all it is about a $20 night after going out for ice-cream and it makes everybody happy...the kids get out, we do something as a family and Ty and I get some time hanging out alone too. I recommend the idea to friends here in town and let me know if you want to join us. We are looking for a few couples to try walleyball with us! :) You know you want to.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back to Life, Back to Reality.

What's that song, "back to life... back to reality..."? I have been singing it to myself now for days, ever since we got back home. We arrived home about 2am Sunday morning and noticed upon a quick check of the place that our pool was half empty! In the dark it was hard to tell, but when we stepped outside we saw water all over the yard and knew something bad had happened. We still aren't sure exactly what went wrong... we are working on that. But that was a little nerve-wracking to think that if we'd chosen to come back Sunday the whole thing might have drained... Yesterday I came down with an UTI and it killed me last night. These things are miserable. We did get our new patio cover built today and it looks great. I will post pictures tomorrow. And poor Jakey keeps asking for "Damma" (grandma) and "Shelly" and "Maddie" and "Riley". He woke up from nap today "Damma, where are you?!" It is cute, but sad that we can't see them more regularly... Oh well. Someday maybe. It was such a fun trip.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Timpanogas Caves

Michelle and I and our cousin Mikey hiked to the Timp. Caves yesterday. I had debated about taking Luke and Ashley but was very happy I chose not to. I came to find out that the hike is 1.5 miles long but that the elevation increase is 1,065 feet. It is pretty much up, up, up. At the top they compared it to climbing the stairs of a 100 story building. It was really fun though, and I am SORE today. I was glad to have some time to spend up in the mountain air doing something active. The cave was pretty cool too - cool to see all the stalagmytes and stalagtytes (now I know cave talk)and cool to the touch at only 43 degrees. I had done this once before about ten years ago when I came to BYU for Cross-country camp and I hope to do it again in ten years. Then I will bring my older kids with me - Luke will be 15, Ashley 14 and Jake almost 12. That's fun to imagine. Me, Mike and Michelle at 6,738 elevation
It's hard to tell but the top of the mountain behind me is far across a valley.. this just shows how high up we were.
One area of the middle cave.
They call this stalagtyte The Heart of Timpanogas because it looks like one expecially when they dim all the lights and show only a red light behind it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

"Diet Coke Mode"

I'm coining the phrase 'diet coke mode' this summer because it has good meaning in my life. It seems whenever life is great, I am on vacation, doing something fun, or spending time with people I really like I am sipping a diet coke. Were I not Mormon it might probably be something else, but for me, a refreshing 'D.C. on the rocks' is all I need!:) So I have been in Diet Coke Mode -and still am- for over a month now. Really since June 5th which is when Tyler had his appendectomy and Shauna came to town. It has been tons of fun... but I am beginning to feel like it all may be a bit over-indulgent. We all know how it is: eating out, staying up late (it isn't dark here until 10 so we are all up very late), enjoying a treat here and there and everywhere and spending money every hour...
I think we all have times where life seems challenging and mundane and its tempting to blow our brains out (figuratively, not literally) so its nice when there are occasions like this. But its a good thing this doesn't last forever.... because if it did I would weigh in at 3hunskey and my kids would be under-nourished, overly tired messes...

So here's to enjoying some great Diet Coke time - but never having too much... I'll be home in a week.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Our Big Summer Vacation

This week we have been in Utah surrounded by family. I have barely had a moment to relax, let alone think much about the computer. The 4th of July festivities are over now and things are settling down. For my sake, I want to jot down the highlights of the past seven days...

Friday- Tyler and I loaded up and headed out. We set a record getting here.. 11.5 hours with only one stop in Paige. The kids were great and we were all happy that Jake was not in the car with us (he caught a flight with grandma a few days earlier!)

Saturday- We had the 'Mugleston Family Reunion' kick-off at a park. Lots of good food and fun getting reacquainted with my dad's side. I felt very happy that we were able to get such a good turn out with people coming in from Denver and California.

Sunday- We had the second day of the reunion at a beautiful home in Park City. My aunt Shonnie had a family name questionnaire prepared with questions like "where does the name Mugleston originate?" and "what was grandma's nick-name in high school?". It was great. Then she had us all draw a name of a family member and share a favorite memory or story about that person. It was wonderful the way it brought a sweet feeling into the room. We took a big group picture afterward and ended the reunion without a hitch (thankfully!).
The red-head cousins!
The toe-head cousins!That night I returned home to the Hillstead's for a girls night, dinner and games while the boys went up to the mountains.

Monday- I went on a morning run with Heidi and Ali... and laughed at how times have changed! Headed up to the mountains for the second annual Hillstead/Mugleston campout. Foil dinners, smores, a little bit of cool rain ... and a LONG night sleeping with Jacob in the front seat of my car (3:30 on). At times I felt like camping must be a form of torture for mothers and children, but when the sun came up all was well. Another fun memory.

Tuesday- A necessary regroup morning. Everyone napped as much as possible that day and Nana took the cousins to ice-cream. Some went off to Lagoon, an amusement park, that night, but we didn't. Ty and I got the kds down early and had a nice quiet dinner over at Todd and Natalie's. It was a treat to have them to ourselves, which happens rarely.

Wednesday- Shauna took all the girls to breakfast and a pedicure, her treat. We love every chance we get to dash away together and missed Katie!!
We had a good time relaxing and chatting while the boys at home hung out with the kids. Came home and sent them off for a game of golf when we got back. Everyone was happy then. We went swimming that afternoon and I we couldn't get over how my little Jakey is swimming. He is crazy in the water, and even tries to dive! I wish I could get a video on here...

Thursday- We packed up from Shauna's house and headed down to my mom's which is about a half hour away. Geared up for the second family reunion planned for my mom's side this time- 'The Goesch Family Reunion'. We held the kick-off at the same park as last week. This time there were T-shirts, different faces and wiffle ball.

Friday- 4th of July 5K Freedom Run at 7am. A big group of the family ran... it was a beautiful Utah morning and I am happy we did it. Finished up with a sprint to the finish with Tyler, my uncle, and cousin... I about passed out in the shoot. :)
We all went back to grandma's for her famous Swedish pancakes breakfast and then off again to Seven Peaks water park. Spent the day there, few crowds surprisingly, and the kids thought they'd died and gone to heaven. Lots of fun slides and things to do. Came home for naps and later enjoyed a 'Hometown USA' street fireworks party... Luke was happy lighting them, Ashley was happy tasting all the snacks and Jacob was a little nervous and clingy.

The show was great until the police came about the neighbor's illegal fireworks that had been purchased in Wyoming. Shucks... sometimes simple is better.

Today- Today we are relaxing and going to have the last day of our reunion. Grandma is taking everyone to lunch at Brick Oven and tonight we are having the family talent show. Tyler and I have a little lip-sync up our sleeves which is all we ever do. I am looking forward to it, he's not so much.
People start heading home Sunday and the fun will come to an end. Only a month before school starts again in Arizona. It's been a good summer.
Update: This is us in the big show singing and dancing to Sergio Mendez. We are the biggest dorks in the family but good for some laughs.