

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Official!

Trevor proposed to Maddie this week! They're getting married in May! How thrilling for them and exciting for our whole family! I couldn't be happier for them! Congratulations you two! XOXO

people wonder if I dye my hair

Classic. I've had more than one person recently inquire about the real color of my hair. I keep telling everyone it's the wonder of genetics.

Living the Dream

I couldn't help but hear repeated in my head tonight, "we're living the dream!". Ali and I were bathing our baby girls at her house tonight and getting them both into jammies when it dawned on me, this is what we used to imagine doing when we played house together at the ages of 6 and 4!; Being mommies with our own houses and baby girls to take care of. It's too much!

Now that she and Blake are living 10 minutes away we no longer have to call each other on the phone and say "I wish...!" Instead, we can! Like tonight the boys (our husbands) have run off to Vegas to meet their other brothers and dad for a triathlon tomorrow morning. Last year, Ali and I would have called one another as I sat alone at Barros Pizza and she sat alone in her living room with sleeping babies and said, "what would we give to be together tonight?!" Now, we are together - and I am so thankful!

It is a blessing and a gift to have this time together in our lives where we are raising these two sweet babies, almost the same age, so close together supporting and loving and enjoying one another the way only sisters can!

We spent the evening together at the park, together at Barros Pizza and together watching reruns of the Nate Berkus Show and X-factor, shoveling down halloween candy and sharing the loot with the kids (hence the sticky faces!). Great night. Thx Al!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

behind the wheel

Claire is too cute in her new car! For her birthday we had a car theme party and got her this new ride because she absolutley loves being behind the wheel - of my van, of the grocery store cart car, of park toys, you name it. Her expressions kill me, I couldn't pick just one of these photos to post. She's too cute - my new 1 year old. ;)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Claire's First Birthday Party!!

Today is Claire Bear's first birthday! Wow. I love it!

A year ago today we held this sweet baby in our arms and I was immediately overcome with how worth it she is! When I was pregnant I was pretty miserable being so big and hot and having restless legs at night, etc. I couldn't remember very well having the other kids (it had been four years) and I'd convinced myself that this baby was going to be our last. BUT the SECOND I held her sweet self in my arms I just could not believe how amazing and wonderful and worth it the 10 months of effort had been! It's incredible! I also remember thinking what a treat she was going to be. Having a pink bundle of joy felt like having a big slice of dessert everytime I smelled her, kissed her, fed her, looked at her.

Now a year later, our whole family feels this way! Claire has brought so much joy and happiness to our family.
I feel so lucky to have her home with me all day - without her, I'd be all alone each day after sending the big kids off to school and I'm definitely not ready for that! She is my sweatheart. The older she gets the more her personality emerges and the more entertaining she becomes. She's fun to have around.
Daddy can't get enough of her. His favorite time with her is in the morning when Luke brings her to us in bed (he LOVES getting her out of the crib) and daddy snuggles her up close while she drinks her morning bottle. He also loves giving her baths, since that is her very favorite time of day.
Luke has a special love for Claire. He'll sit forever at the piano with her on his lap allowing her to bang the keys as long as she wants. He's helpful getting blankie and bottles and whatever else his baby sister might need.
Ashley loves having a sister, one that looks like her too, and can't wait for Claire to be old enough to start playing with her!
And Jake literally about smothers her with his love on a daily basis. He also likes that people are constantly telling him how much his baby sister has his (and daddy's)face!

We love Claire so much and wish her a happy, happy 1st Birthday and many more to come!!

Raingutter Regada #2

Last year Luke's raingutter regada was on the day I had Claire. His rudder fell off before the race and he was majorly bummed. We learned that hot glue isn't the best for boats. This year we/he did much better! He won two of his races and came home with a smile on his face! I love seeing what the boys come up with when asked to make their own boats. Watching them race by blowing into the sails frantically is hilarious. As a cub-scout leader I love all these little guys and mostly hope they all have fun and feel like their boats do well.

Halloween 2011

This Halloween was a great one for the memory books. Claire was a strawberry, Ashley was Miss America, Jake was Mario and Luke was a Vampire. I've learned a few lessons over the year about Halloween as a mom, and I think I'm catching on.
1 - It doesn't matter what the kids want to be - they get to pick. Typically if we choose costumes too early, they change their minds so we wait. And what does it matter if they are one thing at one party and another thing at another party? I figure as long as it's in the costume box, they can go crazy and have fun being anything they want.
2 - Halloween night is an important night for a good dinner, made early or in the crockpot. This year I did roast and I filled their bellies with meat and potatoes before they set out on the candy-fest. It makes me feel better, and keeps stomach-aches at bay!
3 - This Halloween was a fun-filled night for our family to be togeter. A few years ago, we had only toddlers who really didn't understand the holiday and went to bed early. In a few more short years we will have pre-teens who want to hang with their friends for trick-or-treating. But this year we had them all together, excited to be with their family and move as a group. It was the best. I'm grateful for the phase we're in.
4- Halloween is one of Tyler's favorite holidays (passed on from his father who still buys boxes of full-size candy bars at costco to pass out). He loves decorating the porch, buying good candy to give out, putting spooky music on and wearing his scary mask all in the name of a good Halloween night for the neighborhood kids, and ours. It's funny listening to him ask, "Do you want some chocolate covered eye-balls" as he drops a box of milk-duds into their buckets. I seriously have to laugh.