

Friday, January 4, 2013

December 2012

I guess I'm down to blogging by the month now. Is it a dying hobby now that I have the iphone and instagram? Should I bag the blog and just make straight photo books for future years (since that's what I've really loved to do most with my blog)? I guess we'll see what 2013 brings. But for now, I need to finish 2012 with a smorgasbord of our December activities:

New Tradition this year: our personal gifts to Christ box under the tree 

Christmas decor shots:

Wrapping room:

Our white elephant gift exchange party:

Picking our lemons to make lemonade:

Barf central: our house for two days.

Our own family gift exchange before leaving town:

Mugleston family gift exchange:

Hillstead family gift exchange:

Christmas morning:

More cousin fun: