

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Time for a post - A day in the life

7-11 am - I do laundry and fill sacks with old clothes and toys for Goodwill

11am - We drop stuff at the Goodwill and head to the dentist

12pm - Appt for all three kids, I always think they look so cute in the dentist's chairs

1pm - Arrive at Target to do a little shopping, get some popcorn, kill some time, let's be honest.

3pm - get home, hot, worn out and ready to relax. Watch TV and swim for a couple hours.

5pm - head to Chick-fila family night for dinner (ty had a work dinner). Found that the Army, Sherriff's department and Fire Department were all there competing in eating contests. Funny.

6:30 pm - Went across the street to the library - talked to the librarian about new series' that my kids might like reading, checked out 23 items (plenty to read between now and school in ten days!). Got to the parking lot to find the weather had cooled, it was sprinkling and there was the most beautiful rainbow in the sky!

Great summer day.

1 comment:

Ali said...

why do I like seeing a day in the life of other people? Maybe I'll need to document my day with pictures for a post. Jake looked so cute getting his x-rays taken - which I could see it up close on that screen that they have it pulled up on! I tried to zoom in...
amazing rainbow!