Today is Claire Bear's first birthday! Wow. I love it!
A year ago today we held this sweet baby in our arms and I was immediately overcome with
how worth it she is! When I was pregnant I was pretty miserable being so big and hot and having restless legs at night, etc. I couldn't remember very well having the other kids (it had been four years) and I'd convinced myself that this baby was going to be our last. BUT the SECOND I held her sweet self in my arms I just could not believe how amazing and wonderful and worth it the 10 months of effort had been! It's incredible! I also remember thinking what a treat she was going to be. Having a pink bundle of joy felt like having a big slice of dessert everytime I smelled her, kissed her, fed her, looked at her.
Now a year later, our whole family feels this way! Claire has brought so much joy and happiness to our family.
I feel so lucky to have her home with me all day - without her, I'd be all alone each day after sending the big kids off to school and I'm definitely not ready for that! She is my sweatheart. The older she gets the more her personality emerges and the more entertaining she becomes. She's fun to have around.
Daddy can't get enough of her. His favorite time with her is in the morning when Luke brings her to us in bed (he LOVES getting her out of the crib) and daddy snuggles her up close while she drinks her morning bottle. He also loves giving her baths, since that is her very favorite time of day.
Luke has a special love for Claire. He'll sit forever at the piano with her on his lap allowing her to bang the keys as long as she wants. He's helpful getting blankie and bottles and whatever else his baby sister might need.
Ashley loves having a sister, one that looks like her too, and can't wait for Claire to be old enough to start playing with her!
And Jake literally about smothers her with his love on a daily basis. He also likes that people are constantly telling him how much his baby sister has his (and daddy's)face!
We love Claire so much and wish her a happy, happy 1st Birthday and many more to come!!