Things to note about life during this first month of 2012 are:
1- We started a new program of no electronics (TV, Wii, Computer, Ipad...) Monday mornings to Friday afternoons. The temptation for my kids to always go to those things in their free-time has weighed on me since Luke was a baby and loved Baby Einstein. So I've fought it back and forth for years in different ways, ideas, programs... but this one is working! The benefits have been immediate and obvious:
- The kids are sleeping in later
- The kids are pulling out old toys
- The kids are hanging around me in the kitchen more, coloring, talking, driving me nuts playing tag and other games around the island..
- The kids are getting their homework done before the Thursday night crunch
- I have read 2 books
- We have been practicing the piano right when we wake up and before Claire gets out of bed so she doesn't stand there by us and want to bang on the keys
- The boys go outside all afternoon to shoot hoops, roller-blade, play football, ride bikes
- Ashley's had her nose in a book every afternoon
- We play with friends more
- We see more of each other and interact on a deeper level all week
So that has been huge for our family. Tyler comes home at night and often says he's proud of my diligence with this. It seems easier to tell two energetic boys to go downstairs and play Mario Cart while I make dinner than to pull out puzzles or paints for them. But it's not really, I'm finding. So that's really good.
2 - I've been trying to revisit my crafty side. I don't have a pinterest account, but Ali talked me in to trying it out this week. I'm scared I'll get overwhelmed with all the creative ideas. But I did request an invitation. I'm making some wooden letter boards for Brynn for her birthday and I also made a little something special out of an idea in my head, my Family Valentine's Mailbox. Go ahead, you can Pin it. ;) The kids are loving leaving treats and notes for each other.

3 - We are working on some projects around the house. Our pool gate is rusting and gross so we need to replace that and we want to extend the grassy area for the kids to play in the back yard. Our garage door chain broke this week so we've been opening and closing it manually - I like to think of it as my daily exercise - so that's going to cost some $ to fix. Annoying. I accidentally broke and then replaced and fixed by myself a part on the pool pump this week, so I felt good about that. Handy woman. Hopefully we can do a lot of these things ourselves.
4 - Things are changing at work for Tyler. Lots of shifting in positions and responsibilities going on there. So he is staying really busy and fortunately has a good group of people he works with. We liked what Obama said in his State of the Union Address last night about using, growing and building U.S. clean energy companies - go solar people! :)
5 - We are counting the days to our 12 year anniversary (Feb.24th) and trying to decided what to do for a fun weekend getaway. Vegas or Scottsdale probably - Ty's in charge - and I don't really mind where we are as long as the bed is comfy, the blinds shut tight and we can sleep in peace until 10am. :) In March we have the Hillstead Couples' cruise celebrating Steve and Shauna's 40th Wedding Anniversary. What a blast it will be to have all of us kids-free together for a week. We owe a big thanks to my mom who is going to be holding down the fort here with our and Ali's kids. yikes.
6 - Ashley is selling girl scout cookies for the next couple weeks. If you have a craving, let us know. $4/box of the good stuff. And she's the cutest little girl scout I know.

So that's what's on my mind and plate this time of year. Fun post.
With this lovely photo of Claire's chunky thighs, I bid you good-bye my friends!

Loved this! So fun to get a peek inside your lives. It's hard being so far away so it's fun to imagine your kids playing tag, hear what everyone is up to and see your upcoming to-do list. I miss you guy so much! Love the no electronics thing, too. Way to go!
It's an answer to PRAYER!! I've been waiting to come across a girl scout - I haven't seen any at the grocery stores, out knocking doors, or anywhere! PUT ME DOWN FOR 1 BOX OF THIN MINTS AND 1 BOX OF THE COCONUT ONES!
Love you guys,
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