

Friday, July 27, 2012

A little story

My kids got a hold of the camera and I'd like to use their pictures to tell a little story. 

 This is me. Wielding my sword and shield in a quest to survive the summer.

These are my troops. Sometimes they are for me. Sometimes they are against me.
It depends upon the hour. 

These are the bad guys. The Plants and Zombies. They are always against me.

 This is my trooper who becomes a Zombie when playing Zombies.

 This is what I look like while entertaining my children for 90 days in the summer.

 But this is what I often feel like!

So it's a good thing I have staff.

And a chipper, handsome, adoring husband.

And I know a princess in real life.

It's not always easy
fighting little mess-makers.

and dust bunnies.

So I could use a day at the beach.


1 comment:

Maddie McEntire said...

Hahahahaha WHO is behind all those amazing shots? Love the one of the dusty plant, especially - and you as the comatose babydoll