

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Claire Bear turns 3!

Our spunky little girl turned three last week! Oh how we love Claire! She is such a light and little ball of energy in our home!

We had a circus birthday party for her and invited her cousins and playgroup friends. She had been anticipating her birthday for days and was so happy when the morning of her party finally came. We went all out, including asking daddy to wear a clown costume from the Halloween box to make the day extra fun.

Claire looked beautiful in her red party dress (something she had requested) and loved the attention we all gave her.  She received lots of nice presents and a purple big girl bike. And she blew out her candles like a champ, not touching them before hand like she did last year (and remembers!). She got to go to the neighborhood carnival after her party and had her face painted and played in bounce houses. So - wow - it was a really great day for a 3 year old.

But Claire deserves it. She is a special little girl. She is always happy, eager to help, interested in being involved and kind to her siblings. She has become Ashley's little side-kick, those two sharing a room and being the girls in the family. She is tender with Michael and never unpleasant towards him despite having been knocked out of her position as the baby by him. She gives hugs and kisses and compliments freely and has a big spot in her heart for her daddy.

Lately her favorite things to do have been to go on scooter rides at night with Tyler to look for Halloween decorations around the neighborhood. She likes doing art projects and play dough, playing games like hide and seeks, duck duck goose and don't eat pete!.  She loves family night and dressing up for church and going to nursery and playgroups. She is a social little thing and very confident (as is displayed in many of her photo poses these days).

We love Claire to pieces and wish her a happy happy birthday!! :)

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

what a sweety. she's beautiful!