I'm giving myself two weeks to recuperate after our 15 day trip to Utah... cleaning out the car, unpacking suitcases, unloading Christmas gifts, doing laundry and taking down Christmas decor. All can be overwhelming. So I am doing a little every day, and then enjoying myself.
I've started reading Twilight this week and I am enjoying it, although still waiting for the part to start when I can't put the book down. I am on about page 200 now, out of 500. The anticipation of what everyone talks about is what's got me hooked.
I also joined a gym yesterday. Got tired of feeling like blob, as I so gently put it to the sales guy, and went and worked out this morning which felt awesome. Got the kids signed up for the kids club for cheap so everybody's happy - and I'm taking Ty over tomorrow to see if he'd like to jump on the bandwagon too. They have raquetball and b-ball courts so I imagine he will.
Still waiting for the back window to be replaced in my van (another post...) but for now am feeling grateful to live in Arizona where the air is warm and dry - since I am white-trashing it around town in my child-made convertible. Picture how cool I feel.
Lastly, I am sad to admit it but I am caving in on the no TV thing. I've been enjoying its quiet absence over the last month, but today when I was at the gym I saw commercials for the upcoming 24 Season and American Idol season BOTH which start this week. I did come right home and start calling cable companies, telling each I would go with whomever could have me up and running by Sunday night at 7. I'm still working on that.
Uploading a bunch of fun pictures from the trip now. As always, it was a great time had by all.
Luke's ski-day with dad.

Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus on Christmas Eve

Ali and her baby girl at 20 weeks (can't wait!)

In the truck, off to see Rudolf

Christmas Eve, new Christmas p.j.s

Our pretty girl on Christmas morning

Santa Came!

One of my favorite gifts, a warm quilt made by Shauna!

Beautiful Baby Samantha, Todd and Natalie's new daughter.

Girls night out shopping and having fun!

Weinersnishle run at 11pm - mortifying for all of us!

Looking good at the BYU bowling alley

At Temple Square the day we walked the Vistors Centers and Church Museum

Nana and Poppi and the grandkids

Ty and his great brother Zach

All cuddled up after a long day of playing

Luke sledding

Ash sledding