So I drove around until Saturday morning like this. It was too bad I didn't get the filthy car washed from the snow in Utah before this happened! Anyway, all is well now and I do believe she learned, and will never forget, her lesson! Although that night when we were driving home she commented gently that atleast we could have some fresh air now. I found that thoughful... always the glass half full with her.

As for the other things I wrote about last time, the gym is going great. Learned that it takes 3500 calories to gain or loss a pound. That means that if I gained four pounds over the holidays (hypothetically speaking of course) I OVERATE 14,000 calories. And even more discouraging is that to lose those hypothetical four I need to get my body to burn an extra 14,000. Huh....
About JACK!! I was not able to commit myself to cable b/c cox wanted $75 a month and dish nor direct TV could get it started soon enough. So I had surrendered to the idea of just buying '24' when it comes out on DVD. BUT! Last night we learned that we can watch full episodes on the internet, which is SO COOL! We climbed in bed, got our hot chocolate and a handful of prezels and enjoyed both hours from Sunday night! It was so great because they don't even do commercials... only a 15 second blackberry commercial at every break. And I am SO HAPPY to be watching Jack in Action again. It really gives me something the be excited about! :)
Ty's brother Todd found out we are living without TV and said we are freaks and what's next? Homeschooling?! He doesn't want to talk to us again until we are plugged in. I gave up on Twilight, couldn't hook me. Oh well. At least I know who Edward is now! Over and out.
Fun post, Anne! Had to laugh about the homeschooling joke. I'm with Ty's brother on that one, but I'm with you on the Twilight thing. I think you and I might be the only ones alive who didn't get hooked. I have tried to read the dang book 3 different times!!! Oh, and sweet little Ashley with her "fresh air" comment!! Too cute.
yikes, what an arm she has!
oh my, doug has given us a hard time for years for not having tv. he too made the homeschooling joke. they are from the same breed. now he is looking into canceling his cable and join the rest of us internet tv watching fans. hee-hee.
we watch hulu snuggled in bed at night, what have you found?
You're funny. I LOVE the watch it online next day stuff. I don't even know why I have a TV I rarely watch it. I don't think you're freaks...I like it! I get the same response when I tell people that I don't use the microwave. Oh well...and YEAH that Jack is back and that Tony isn't a bad guy! :) Blue sky blue sky!! :)
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