My tiny one. 7 months old and starting to sit up on her own! What a development and change in perspective for her. Exciting also because grocery carts and high chairs will come soon, what fun!
Her daily schedule is like clock-work, rarely varying by more than 30 mins, equally due to my preference and her personality:
6-7am - wakes up, Tyler gets her, brings her to my bed and I feed her lying down.
7:30 - baby food meal in the bumbo while the family also eats breakfast
8:00 - morning nap
10 - 10:30 - wakes up, nurses for the second time
11:30 - baby food meal
Noon - down for second nap
2-2:30 - wakes up, nurses for the third time
3:30 - baby food meal
4:00 - down for third nap
5:00 - up, eats a baby food meal when the family has dinner
6:30 - bath, lotion (sugar), jammies, nurses a fourth time
7 - 8pm - bed
As far as the routine:
Naps and bedtime happen in her bed or a pack and play only (carseat when we're out or my arms at church, but that's a struggle). We use a white noise maker and it is like a trigger for sleep when she hears it. I put her fuzzy blanket on my shoulder and she pops her fingers into her mouth, lies her head on my shoulder and begins to hum. I hum softly back. We do that for a minute or two until she is settled enough to lie down, then she puts herself to sleep.
Eating is her major interest. Favorite foods include: bananas, avacado, sweet potatoes, chicken dinner, mashed potatoes, applesauce and oatmeal, cinnamon granola and pears. She's like a little birdie when she eats, opening her mouth big and wide for every bite. She can also feed herself graham crackers and saltines and likes when we put cheerios and baby puffs in her mouth for her. She no longer takes a binki.
Her favorite pasttimes are: being outside in a stroller taking in the fresh air and chewing on a toy, playing with her siblings peek-a-boo or chase and taking baths or showers.
Our lives are so joyful because we have Claire! We tell her multiple times a day how beautiful she is, how much we love her, how happy she makes us. From the moment I first held her in my arms 7 months ago I recognized what a precious gift, to be treasured and enjoyed, she is.