

Monday, September 12, 2011

99 is cool

It's been so stormy here this weekend! Saturday night we had gusting wind, lightning, thunder and dime-size hail! Tyler and I hustled out back to rescue the pool umbrellas and picked up pieces of hail, which Tyler ate. We looked up at the grey sky and said, "This is so weird. Ice-chunks falling from the sky and it's not even cold outside!" Meteorologists we are not, so we don't understand how this happens. Something to google.

This morning I started another session of swim lessons. I was surprised to feel how cold the pool had gotten over the weekend! After an hour and a half in there I had goosebumps! And two weeks ago the water felt like bathwater.

Tonight after another wind and rain storm, Tyler and I went on a bike ride. Upon feeling coldish gusts of air in our hair I commented to him, "Can you believe we've survived another summer!?" Its debatably the best time of year for Arizonan's when they realize the heat is subsiding!

At last September is here and with it comes delightful double digit degrees! October - May: The reward for surviving our ridiculously hot summers! We're almost there!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

You might have to go shopping for your trip here next month! You are going to freeze!