Because of this, she's gotten grumpy. If we go in to lie her down she wakes up and cries (screams half asleep), but if we leave her be she wakes up and cries after about a half hour anyway. Its a new, and hopefully, short-lived phase for her.

Here she is on the monitor - that's her dark little head on the top left. Her back and bum are stuck in the corner and she's bending forward snoozing on her purple blankie. :)
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Love this! The photo is classic!
Good thing u described how she was laying cuz I was staring at the pic for 5 min and thought I was looking at an ultrasound pic.. Couldn't tell what was what...
Once I read your description I died laughing! She's so cute! She's like the size of a small kitten. HILARIOUS!
Love u guys,
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