My notes and testimony about life for YOU, my five perfect gifts dropped down from heaven
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Arizona SNOW!!
Claire wasn't feeling well today so I stayed home from church to let her nap. We'd been told that a big storm was going to come through this weekend - and boy did it ever! I was so sad the kids missed it so I went outside to take lots of pictures and even save some of the "snow" (hail) in bowls for them! It was incredible to see our pool deck covered in white, the trampoline, our house, the patio, the streets! Plus the thunderous roar of all the hail slamming against our roof for so long! It was a thrill. :)
Just got caught up on the blog - you must be private again. the fam is as cute as ever ;-)
Crazy storm it was indeed! Happy Birthday sis! So sorry I couldnt be there with u to celebrate! I love u more than u know!
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