

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Labor day Weekend in Cottonwood - Sept 2013

Blake and Ali moved up to the mountains three weeks ago and we thought it would be great fun to drive up to see their new house and explore their new digs over the long weekend. It was certainly a memorable trip, beginning with losing our A/C in the van on the way out of phoenix. Tyler had to exercise all of the understanding and patience he has gained in our 14 years of marriage and he wondered why in heavens name I hadn't taken the car in to be fixed at the first sign of trouble earlier that week.  I was using all the breathing techniques I've acquired throughout motherhood not to have a panic attack as the heat rose and rose in the car. And as we silently cruised along with the windows down and the hot air blowing our hair, we had grateful hearts when we saw storm clouds in the distance. It dropped 40 degrees in 30 minutes as we climbed to a higher elevation. And we found relief!

Once we made it there, it's only two hours away, the fun really began! We ate and explored at Jerome and old haunted mine town, went to Sedona, did some fishing and playing at the parks and, finally, took a LONG hike with some of their new friends. I truly wondered if I would be going into labor on labor day after that one, but of course not. Just sore and really tired.

All in all it was a very fun trip and definitely a weekend to remember for one thing: The Big Belly!

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