

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Personal Sacrifice

Dear kids,

The scriptures say that when we pay our tithing the heavens will open and pour out blessings more numerous than we can count. We have talked to you before about the blessings of tithing in our own lives and in our home.  Big stuff like being able to provide for five children on a single income so I can stay home with you, to the seemingly little stuff like the driveway basketball hoop we were in the market to buy that a friend who was moving offered to us for free. Lots of times we can't put our finger on the many blessings we have been given because we take them for granted. Things like months of good health, properly functioning appliances and well-working cars.

We have been promised by our Father in Heaven that as we make personal sacrifices we will be blessed. Its a promise we make in the temple. Promises with Heavenly Father are called covenants because covenants are even more important than promises, and Heavenly Father never breaks a promise. So, as members of His church, we promise to make sacrifices in our own personal lives in the service of Him, in order to receive the great blessings He has in store for our us.

Do you ever wonder about the blessings we may miss out on when we are unwilling to make certain sacrifices. Like, for example, if we were only willing to raise two children -- if I only wanted to be pregnant 2 times -- just look at the blessings I would have been forfeiting!!  Jacob, Claire and Michael plus all the joy you three bring!  Or if daddy wasn't willing to work so hard to provide for us and mommy wasn't willing to spend money carefully, I may have to be at work when you get home from school. If we didn't wake up early on Sunday mornings and put our church clothes on it might seem like we were getting the better deal, but in truth we would be short-changing ourselves missing out on the opportunities at church to take the sacrament, feel the spirit, serve in our callings and spend time with our ward friends.

Recently I've been thinking about writing this so I've taken note of some of the small personal sacrifices daddy and I have made this week. We do them happily because we have testimonies of this principle, and they occur naturally such that you kids probably don't think much about them. But, they're done to set up chairs for church the next morning. Sunday he was at church then meetings and doing visits for people in the ward who need some help.  Mommy made a dinner for a friend who was sick on Friday night. And we both went to clean the Temple late Wednesday night as you guys slept. These are things we are happy to do, time we are happy to spend and talents we are willing to share because we love the Lord. He has given us everything we have. Even every breath we take. Making personal sacrifices are one great way we can show love for God and his children.

Like strict obedience, a willingness to make regular personal sacrifices will bring depth and meaning to your lives.  Self confidence is born of hard work. Love is born of selfless service. A strong testimony comes from keeping the commandments.  And lasting joy comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You kids are still young but I see you doing remarkable things in this area. This year Luke and Ashley have begun fasting one Sunday a month and offering the money that we would have used to buy breakfast and lunch to the poor.  I see you make personal sacrifices daily in your interactions with one another, sharing candy you got at a birthday party, helping claire get a drink of water, or serving mommy around the house.  These moments of selflessness are beautiful and character building.  They make all of us happy.

I love each of you and am proud of you for the people you are. You blow me away with your wisdom and energy and enthusiasm for the good things in life. I am blessed to have you five precious children in our home.



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quickly we'll obey

Hey guys,

We got to take a trip this weekend to Cottonwood to see the cousins. It was my first road trip with all 5 of you without daddy. Luckily you children are excellent and knew it was important to behave and help me out and I can always count on you. So we had no problems, only a great time!

I did some thinking along the drive since I had no one else to talk to (you guys are happy as clams snuggled in the back seats watching movies). And I have three main focuses that I want to really emphasize in our home, as we parent you over the next 10-18 years: strict obedience, personal sacrifice and diligent work. None of these are very popular in today's world but they are the keys to success and happiness as far as dad and I are concerned. 

#1 - STRICT OBEDIENCE.  A recent talk in church by a returned missionary talked about how important obedience is in our lives. He said he never met a missionary who was not 100% obedient to the rules of the white missionary handbook, their mission president and, most importantly, the Lord. He spoke about how important it is for missionaries to be completely obedient so that they can be worthy of and ready for the blessing that Heavenly Father has in store. I know from my own life how obedience brings joy, lasting joy! Obedience brings peace. Obedience brings safety. Obedience allows miracles to occur.  

If there is one character principle I want to develop in myself and my children I've decided its this: obedience. If we can have the humility and willing heart to obey those who are in authority over us, we will be blessed. This means that we will learn to obey all of Heavenly Father's commandments. We will obey our parents;  our school teachers; our primary teachers; adult neighbors; parents of friends; and all civil laws. We will not justify reasons for disobedience. We will know that it is best to respect and be obedient to the good leaders in our lives whom we are surrounded with.  The people mom and dad put into your lives want the best for you. Listening to and obeying them will save you from danger, heartache and pain to varying degrees throughout your life. I hope you will accept their help.

Dad and I plan to be example of obedience. Even further, exact obedience, even in the little things. And we intend to expect it of each of you. It is human nature sometimes to justify a little here or a little there. If mommy says no friends can come over when she is not home, it may be tempting to invite friends to play in the backyard until she returns. Please don't do it. If daddy says no electronics before homework is finished it may be tempting to play on the iPad when he's not in the room. Please don't.  If your teacher tells you not to doodle on your assignments even though you have a really creative idea you want to sketch small in the corner…. do not do it! It's the little things - and we plan to follow them.  WHY??  Because it's a rule. A rule that those in authority have set forth. And obedience to the small and simple things allows for great and marvelous things to happen in our lives. I know this to be true!

So I hope you'll see some consistent parenting to this point my sweethearts. When mommy calls you to dinner you will be expected to come quickly, not when ...your level is passed ….your chapter is over or ...your basketball game is finished. You should come now. It's a principle. And it's important. It will take practice but we'll get there.

I love you guys so much, 


Primary Children's Songbook #197
Quickly I'll Obey

  1. 1. When my mother calls me,
    Quickly I'll obey.
    I want to do just what is best
    Each and ev'ry day.
  2. 2. When my father calls me,
    Quickly I'll obey.
    I want to do just what is best
    Each and ev'ry day.
  3. 3. Heav'nly Father loves me,
    Blesses me each day.
    I want to do just what is best
    Each and ev'ry day.
  4. Quickly I'll obey.
    Quickly I'll obey.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael baby at four months

Hey buddy. You are SO cute! You are four months old now which is my favorite baby age! You are chubby (I think we've mentioned that before) which is one of your cutest traits. You are smiley and handsome!! Your newborn hair has fallen out and you have a soft peach-fuzz head of light brown hair coming in. Your eyes are a deep beautiful blue. Your gummy smile melts our hearts. You give big wet open mouth kisses to your mama, leaning into my face and smothering me with your love. Oh! Nothing is better than the sounds, smells and touch of my baby boy!

Part of me feels guilty for not keeping a baby calendar for you like I have the other kids. But times have changed. When Luke and Ashley were born I was keeping a photo and paper scrapbook! Those big things weigh about 15lbs each and are already outdated. Now everyone uses digital photos, blogs, instagram… so you will have a book of memories made from these things.

To summarize your life at 4 months:

You sleep amazingly!  Down between 7-9pm up between 5-7am. You're in your own room in the crib so daddy goes and gets your every morning when we hear you on the monitor and then you nurse and fall back to sleep with us. One of our favorite times. You can put yourself to sleep watching the mobile but prefer (and I do too) to nurse to sleep so we do that most often still. You don't take a pacifier of any kind nor suck your fingers. You'll shove your fist into your mouth sometimes and that soothes you and recently have been sucking on a blanket whenever you manage to get a fist full of that into your mouth. Its cute hearing you suck your own spit out of the thing… we shall see what unfolds in this aspect of you life.

Eating, you still nurse. I have given you tiny tastes of banana, sweet potato and oatmeal. None of it stays down well and you gag on the big chunks which makes all of us laugh. I'll let you stick with milk as long as it fills your belly.

You are not rolling over but have suddenly become quite strong on your belly. You get your head up high and don't look so tortured by tummy time!  You like being upright in the exersaucer as well but poop out after about ten minutes. We put you in the baby swing on the swing set and you squealed with delight! You've also been on bike rides in my trailer, in your car seat. You love being outside.

I had you at the doctor last week. I think you weighed 18lbs. You are in the 85% for weight and height and in the 35% for head circumference. Little cutie boy. And a picture of health, thank goodness. We are blessed!

I find we call you Michael most the time, I expected Mikey more but its just natural to call you Michael. Michael Jophes is how Claire says your name so that's sort-of stuck too. We just love you Michael Jophes!!

I think that's about it. You are a gift and a blessing. A treat and reward. We love you son.

Little cutie with his newborn hair.