

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael baby at four months

Hey buddy. You are SO cute! You are four months old now which is my favorite baby age! You are chubby (I think we've mentioned that before) which is one of your cutest traits. You are smiley and handsome!! Your newborn hair has fallen out and you have a soft peach-fuzz head of light brown hair coming in. Your eyes are a deep beautiful blue. Your gummy smile melts our hearts. You give big wet open mouth kisses to your mama, leaning into my face and smothering me with your love. Oh! Nothing is better than the sounds, smells and touch of my baby boy!

Part of me feels guilty for not keeping a baby calendar for you like I have the other kids. But times have changed. When Luke and Ashley were born I was keeping a photo and paper scrapbook! Those big things weigh about 15lbs each and are already outdated. Now everyone uses digital photos, blogs, instagram… so you will have a book of memories made from these things.

To summarize your life at 4 months:

You sleep amazingly!  Down between 7-9pm up between 5-7am. You're in your own room in the crib so daddy goes and gets your every morning when we hear you on the monitor and then you nurse and fall back to sleep with us. One of our favorite times. You can put yourself to sleep watching the mobile but prefer (and I do too) to nurse to sleep so we do that most often still. You don't take a pacifier of any kind nor suck your fingers. You'll shove your fist into your mouth sometimes and that soothes you and recently have been sucking on a blanket whenever you manage to get a fist full of that into your mouth. Its cute hearing you suck your own spit out of the thing… we shall see what unfolds in this aspect of you life.

Eating, you still nurse. I have given you tiny tastes of banana, sweet potato and oatmeal. None of it stays down well and you gag on the big chunks which makes all of us laugh. I'll let you stick with milk as long as it fills your belly.

You are not rolling over but have suddenly become quite strong on your belly. You get your head up high and don't look so tortured by tummy time!  You like being upright in the exersaucer as well but poop out after about ten minutes. We put you in the baby swing on the swing set and you squealed with delight! You've also been on bike rides in my trailer, in your car seat. You love being outside.

I had you at the doctor last week. I think you weighed 18lbs. You are in the 85% for weight and height and in the 35% for head circumference. Little cutie boy. And a picture of health, thank goodness. We are blessed!

I find we call you Michael most the time, I expected Mikey more but its just natural to call you Michael. Michael Jophes is how Claire says your name so that's sort-of stuck too. We just love you Michael Jophes!!

I think that's about it. You are a gift and a blessing. A treat and reward. We love you son.

Little cutie with his newborn hair.

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