

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Personal Sacrifice

Dear kids,

The scriptures say that when we pay our tithing the heavens will open and pour out blessings more numerous than we can count. We have talked to you before about the blessings of tithing in our own lives and in our home.  Big stuff like being able to provide for five children on a single income so I can stay home with you, to the seemingly little stuff like the driveway basketball hoop we were in the market to buy that a friend who was moving offered to us for free. Lots of times we can't put our finger on the many blessings we have been given because we take them for granted. Things like months of good health, properly functioning appliances and well-working cars.

We have been promised by our Father in Heaven that as we make personal sacrifices we will be blessed. Its a promise we make in the temple. Promises with Heavenly Father are called covenants because covenants are even more important than promises, and Heavenly Father never breaks a promise. So, as members of His church, we promise to make sacrifices in our own personal lives in the service of Him, in order to receive the great blessings He has in store for our us.

Do you ever wonder about the blessings we may miss out on when we are unwilling to make certain sacrifices. Like, for example, if we were only willing to raise two children -- if I only wanted to be pregnant 2 times -- just look at the blessings I would have been forfeiting!!  Jacob, Claire and Michael plus all the joy you three bring!  Or if daddy wasn't willing to work so hard to provide for us and mommy wasn't willing to spend money carefully, I may have to be at work when you get home from school. If we didn't wake up early on Sunday mornings and put our church clothes on it might seem like we were getting the better deal, but in truth we would be short-changing ourselves missing out on the opportunities at church to take the sacrament, feel the spirit, serve in our callings and spend time with our ward friends.

Recently I've been thinking about writing this so I've taken note of some of the small personal sacrifices daddy and I have made this week. We do them happily because we have testimonies of this principle, and they occur naturally such that you kids probably don't think much about them. But, they're done to set up chairs for church the next morning. Sunday he was at church then meetings and doing visits for people in the ward who need some help.  Mommy made a dinner for a friend who was sick on Friday night. And we both went to clean the Temple late Wednesday night as you guys slept. These are things we are happy to do, time we are happy to spend and talents we are willing to share because we love the Lord. He has given us everything we have. Even every breath we take. Making personal sacrifices are one great way we can show love for God and his children.

Like strict obedience, a willingness to make regular personal sacrifices will bring depth and meaning to your lives.  Self confidence is born of hard work. Love is born of selfless service. A strong testimony comes from keeping the commandments.  And lasting joy comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You kids are still young but I see you doing remarkable things in this area. This year Luke and Ashley have begun fasting one Sunday a month and offering the money that we would have used to buy breakfast and lunch to the poor.  I see you make personal sacrifices daily in your interactions with one another, sharing candy you got at a birthday party, helping claire get a drink of water, or serving mommy around the house.  These moments of selflessness are beautiful and character building.  They make all of us happy.

I love each of you and am proud of you for the people you are. You blow me away with your wisdom and energy and enthusiasm for the good things in life. I am blessed to have you five precious children in our home.



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