Tagged...My sister tagged me recently and since I find myself with some time tonight, here goes.
10 years ago- 10 years ago I was... a month away from 18. I can hardly remember back that far. I had a group of best friends - Jana, DeeDee, Megan, Hillary, Kristine, Jessica. I drove "the beast" around the Plateau and worked at KinderCare I think.
5 things to do on my list today-1. Get the kids to school. 2. Clean out the car
3. Pick up and paint Ashley's new dresser
4. Take dinner to a friend. 5. Fold and put away laundry
Snacks I enjoy. HoneyMaid Smores (amazing, try 'em). Reducted-fat Wheat Thins with cheese, Fruit rolls, chocolate anything
What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire
Have Tyler quit his job so we could hang out together all day. Find an interest/job/service for each of us to work on when we got bored. Hire out three things which I daydream about regularly. 1- A healthy and good chef in the kitchen 2- a laundry maid to do all start to finish and 3- a massusse to use at my discretion.
3 of my bad habits. Saying things I shouldn't around the kids (crap)
Not washing my face before bed, ever. and back to the laundry thing- leaving folded laundry out so long that we use it again before it gets put away. Pathetic.
5 places I have lived
1. Littleton, CO
2. Yakima, WA
3. Seattle, WA
4. Provo, UT
5 Englewood, CO
Jobs that I have had 1. Confetti Junction (a party store...I blew up balloons w/ my sis Ali)
2. KinderCare- taught the infant, 1's and 2's classes
4. Safeway- bagger/courtesy clerk
5 things people don't know about me. I sleep with my retainers every night,
My fingers are double-jointed, my favorite movies are Father of the Bride I and II, Return to Me and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I love eating chips and quac' at Chipotle, I love to bargain hunt/shop to find a diamond in the rough!
tag anyone who knows I look at their blog often...I love reading these things!