I turned 30 last Thursday and had THE biggest surprise of a lifetime when I showed up at a restaurant to find that ALL MY SISTERS, SISTER-IN-LAWS, MOM, AND MOTHER-IN-LAW had flown in to celebrate with me!! I wanted to bawl (and kind-of did)!
I'd gone into the week with no big plans for my birthday because it was spring break and most of my friends had left town. The kids were home, Tyler was traveling the beginning part of the week, and I wasn't feeling my hottest.
But the second I saw all of those fabulous, beautiful ladies in my life all sitting together at a table waiting for ME - a bright sunburst popped through the clouds and a rainbow starting dropping skittles from the sky! I was so happy!! :)
We had a wonderful time together. Ate, not when we were hungry, but whenever we had room to spare. And just enjoyed each other's company. Without any notice at all, I found myself hosting 7 ladies and three adorable baby nieces (we missed you Heidi and Julia!). We slept everywhere all over the house. It was delightful.
I have to thank my sweet husband for working out this big suprise with everyone and holding in such a big secret. And all the girls for making it happen - I felt like the luckiest lady to have all of you here.
The afternoon I went to meet my mom and Michelle for lunch and was surprised to find Maddie, Ali and Paige there too!

The two b-day girls - my mom's in green because it was her actual St. Patty's birthday.

Cute Shelly and mom

Guac-a-toni anyone?

The night Shauna, Natalie, Katie, Sammy and Abby surprised me! Nana with three of her darling granddaughters.

The whole gang had come together. I was so taken aback I couldn't even focus on the menu to order anything!

Morning of my b-day pedi's. Love sister chat when we are camped out like this.

Having fun with the babies! Sammy at 14 mths walking and exploring.

Abby at five months, cuddling and smiling.

Paige and nine months sporting her cheesy grin.

Dinner at Red Robin. Great food, great company.

Thought this one was cute of Sammy.

Likewise, this one of Ali.

Group Shot! I'm "3-0"

The final push on calorie intake - Kristy Creme Donuts. Fantastic!