Unfortunately Ashley has been sick all week! I was actually at Urgent Care with her checking for strep the night I went in to be induced! Dr's said she didn't have it, but all weekend while we were at the hospital she and Jake had fevers and ear aches. Stressful. So she hasn't gotten to be near the baby much - just enough for a few peeks and head rubs. My heart melts when I see my daughters together! We did have our first "girl party" yesterday morning while Ash was home from school. Jake went off to preschool and Ash, Claire and I watched "Annie".

Jake is interested in seeing Claire for a few seconds whenever he comes around but I think he is more interested in having my attention. All he wanted was for me to come jump on the trampoline with him the day I got back from the hospital. I'd been telling him all summer that I could do that again when the baby came out and as far as he was concerned, she was out and it was go time. So I did go sit out on the tramp and watch him do tricks! He is Jake though - and has been staying busy - no time for new pics with the baby!

luke is SO CUTE with claire (and paige!). he is going to be such a good big brother!!
i didn't see the pictures of Ash and Jake on here earlier (?) and now I feel bad I only commented on Luke! So great to see you and Ash got to have a girl party with Claire..the first of many! And Jake - where did he come from?!
congrats on your little bundle of joy. there is something about girls and their sisters. You look so good for just having a baby! congrats mommy!
love the update. she is SO cute. and your kids are adorable with her. love the muscle picture jake!
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