Our sweet baby is eight weeks old now. It's incredible how quickly they grow! We went to Utah for Christmas when she was exactly 6 weeks old. I had my share of concerns about the long drive and cold weather before we went but thankfully everything went well! In fact, Claire hit three milestones while we were away: 1- she began smiling at us! 2- her clogged tear ducts cleared up overnight and her eyes became less watery! and 3- she started sleeping in her own bed! It was a big week for her! Plus, we could literally see chub chub developing under her chin and along her thighs. Love it!
At two months old we Claire is quite content and continues to eat well, burp well and sleep well. She is sleeping all alone in her big girl bedroom, which in the layout of our house is pretty far from our room - but she does great! Typically up now once between 2-4am. I can do that. At the doctor yesterday she weighed 11 lbs 1 oz, a 4 pound weight gain in 6 weeks!! She is 22 3/4 inches long and her head is 15 inches around.
Her little hands are open more, she is starting to grab onto things and I love feeling her hands roll along my side as she nurses. She looks around to find our faces and is starting to kick her little legs when she gets excited. She enjoys showering with us, having her diaper changed, going on walks and being in the car. She is a good girl.

too cute! she really is a beauty. glad your routine is setting in...
she is soooo yummy. just wanna kiss those cheeks! glad you all are doing well anne!
She is absolutely darling anne! And such a fun mix of your other kids. I can see a hint of Ty in these pics. So cute. And happy milestones for you!!!
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