

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A guessing game

I wanted to share an amazing conversation that I had with Jake in the car after I picked him up from playgroup today.

me: "so, what did you eat for lunch?"
jake: "we had a picnic at the park."
"what food did you eat?"
"chicken nuggets and water. And what are those green things that I love??"
" No. The round ones."
" Grapes are round."
" I mean circle ones. Grapes are oval."
" Hum... I don't know. Kiwi?"
"KIWI?! No! They have those little seeds in them..."
" Apples?"
" NO. They aren't big, they're medium!"
"Medium, like this?? (I hold my fingers in a circle about the size of a golf ball).
" Yes. But they have the brown and green stuff on the edges."
" Hum.... (I can tell this is getting painful for him because he desperately wants to be reminded of the name of his favorite green round food!). Honey, I don't know. It wasn't grapes?! Maybe when we get to the store you can find one in the fruit section and show me."
" No. It was... it was... it looks like a pickle!!!"
"YES!!!! A cucumber!!" (huge smile comes across his face)
" oh! You do love cucumbers! And they do look like pickles! Because pickles are made out of cucumbers! Good clue!"
" ...Yeah. Pickles are cucumbers that live in a jar."



natalie said...

Love this story! Jake is darling and he's lucky to have you as his mom. And I have to say you always have a great memory for cute moments like this :) thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

this is the cutest thing i have ever read!!!! looove jakey!