1- Tonight is Luke's first pinewood derby! We (ty, luke and I collectively) have been working on his car for the last week, making sure it looks cool and rides fast. We are hoping for a successful night tonight, which doesn't necessarily mean a win - just a smile on Luke's face when it's all said and done.
2- Starting 1/1/11 the Hillstead Family began The Biggest Loser competition. 11 of us who opted in put $50 in the pot - all up for grabs at the final weigh-in in June. I figure I have 20 lbs to lose between now and then so I think I've got a shot at some prize money if I can make it happen!! I have been working out with friends a lot at the gym, walking the neighborhood and riding bikes on this new trail we found. It's been fun. I also borrowed a "body bug" from a friend of mine (its that black band people wear around their arm or calf to count their calories burned). I used it for a week and it was fascinating! It showed that I burn about 2500-2700 cals a day with a workout and showed minute by minute when I was burning the most. Like in the middle of the night you could see on the print out a flat line while I slept then a sharp increase when I got up with the baby for a few minutes. Or when I worked out it would be steep for as long as I was working. A good lesson in just being active! (so now I am trying to eat 2,000 cals a day which should set me up for a loss of a pound a week).
3- Luke and Ashley are happy at school. They both ride off on their bikes together in the morning and it'a great. We got some walkie-talkies for Christmas so Luke has been taking one in his backpack and we planned to turn them on each day at 3:50 when school lets out. He thinks it's great, "mom, are you there?" "Yes son, you on your way home now?" "YES!" "See you soon!" It's like a 2nd grade cell phone. :)
4- Jake is awesome. He got to go to his BFs b-day party to ride on the carousel and eat at chick-fila at the mall. He's so easy to have around and fun. As I write this I am reminded of something funny he did. We went to see Shrek the musical last Saturday night and of course Shrek tooted a couple times (better out than in!) which the kids thought was hilarious. The next morning Jake climbed in bed with Ty and I for a few minutes and we were snuggling him and rubbing his back and he tooted on purpose. I was disgusted and said "JAKE! gross!" and he said, "what mom? I toot everyday. All the days!" It was lovely.
5- Ty has been busy at work closing up the 2010 books. He's amazing getting up in the dark each morning and heading off for a long day. We appreciate him so much for providing for us and letting me stay home with the kids. He absolutely adores his family and we adore him!
If you're still reading at this point, you've realized that I am basically making a journal entry here this morning... but I'll end now. Life is good, back in balance and happy. Now here are a few pictures from the last two weeks.
Ty and Drew racing their cars

Jake and Hannah

Daddy and Claire each night about 10pm

Cutie pie

love the update. claire looks like jake and jake looks like you. classic pic of ty asleep holding claire. did she almost roll off his lap???
such cute shots. glad like is feeling back to normal. your kids are growing up! love the pic of ashley as a daisy scout. didn't know there was such a thing :)
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