

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A week in the life

Ali and I were talking today on the phone. We've noticed that not many people are blogging these days - including ourselves. The holidays have passed, our paces have slowed again and cameras have been put away a lot of the time. So not much to share. We thought it'd be fun to just ask our friends (readers) for a day-in-a-life or week-in-a-life post - so we can all see what we've been up to - while not blogging!

I'll start, with this week:

Monday: got up at my usual - 8am, got kids out the door, went to the grocery store and cleaners to drop off our bedspread which Ashley had vomited on on Saturday, got back at 9am for the workman to arrive to install some shutters. Took Jake to preschool. Had my visiting teachers come. Picked up jake and his 4 buddies for playgroup at my house. 1:30 the boys all left. Went to Jills to go to lunch for her b-day. 4pm - got home for the kids. 7pm - had friends over for FHE, fired up the hottub and had rootbeer floats.

Tuesday: Got up earlier than usual. Weighed in per the Hillstead biggest loser 1st of the month. Dropped the boys off at a friends at 8am and drove to phoenix for a dr appt with Ash. Got back at 11, took her to school. Put on sweats and held my baby. Watched DRV shows. Napped with Jake (thanked Claire for allowing us to) from 2-3:45 -woke up in a shock that I had slept so long. Kids came home at 4pm. Took Luke to piano. Came home to make dinner, fed the missionaries. Watched What Not to Wear with Ty until bed (to his dismay).

Wednesday: Up at 8 - kids off. 10:30 Jake to school, to the store, picked up the bedspread, to the gym, picked up the playgroup, showered. 1pm - picked up ash from school, dropped jake at co-op, took Ash to dr, came home. Watched Oprah and loved on Claire. Kids home - helped with homework. Started dinner. Scouts tonight at 6, then YW coming to learn to make cinnamon rolls. Yum.

And, by the way, it is FREEZING here this week - especially today. High of 40 something, windy and 37 degrees right now. I know it's not much compared to many wintery places in the country but for us it's shocking. I actually broke out my puffy down coat - something I have never done in 6 years of living here! I do think this is the coldest I have ever felt in AZ.


kendall said...

wow your week is a little busier than ali's! too bad you guys can't switch places once in a while!

Ali said...

yes, your life is crazy compared to mine! you need to finish out the week...one day you'll look back and not be able to believe what your daily life was like!