I woke yesterday morning to the smell of grands cinnamon rolls. Tyler and the kids were at my bedside presenting me with a cookie sheet tray full of breakfast: two cinnamon rolls, a cup of milk, a bowl of granola cereal and some applesauce. They each had big smiles on their faces and something special to give me - homemade gifts and goodies.
After some time opening their cards and drawings and wrapping my arms around them all for pictures my heart felt so full. I knew, and was very conscious of the fact, that this Mother's Day was one for the record books. It was perfectly perfect.
I told my family how much I love them. I said, "If I could, I would push the pause button today. I would save the feeling that I have in my chest forever for my precious children and loving husband. I would keep you right here gathered around me on this bed: Claire 6 mths and so cute; Jake 4 years old saying the funny things that he does; Ashley, 7, so eager to be with me and like me; and Luke at the tender age of 8 not yet too cool for mom and so happy to be a part of our family."
Tyler soon corralled them out of our room so that I could "eat in peace" and had them practice their primary song "Mother I Love You" around the piano. It sounds too good to be true... the morning was heaven on earth! I sat in bed with Claire kicking around at my side and took pictures of the things they'd all given me. See for yourself how cute:

I also have to give credit where credit is due, to Tyler, who not only planned ahead with organizing the kids and doing breakfast for me, but he also got me quite the surprise gift - the ipad2 - so that I can blog and email by his side at night (is what he said)! :) What a man!!!