

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Relay for Life - year 3

The theme for relay this year was "lights, camera, RELAY!". Each team was asked to pick a movie use as their theme so we chose the 80's hit, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. We dressed in our 80's best, did a lip sync to the song at 2am (die hard, trying to stay up all night) and had a fun acting like teenagers when really we're all moms in our 30s. Of course our kids were thrilled and got involved with dressing up and staying up late, too. Luke and Cooper even stayed the night with us and lasted until about 2:30 before they went to bed in the tent! I followed them in a few minutes later!
It's been a neat tradition for those of us in the neighborhood to participate in for Rashelle and our other loved ones who have fought cancer. "Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back!" I think about my dad a lot when I do this each year, and talk to our kids about what a great man he was and how much I love him. Sometimes I still can't believe cancer took him so young. It's a shame. We miss him so much!

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