

Monday, April 23, 2012

A busy week

This is a big week. We/Ihave lots going on:

- Maddie and Trevor have arrived in town for their wedding on Thursday!!
- Lots of family and friends are coming too!
- Our pool has been demo-ed and we are working on getting it fixed and filled back up ASAP!
- It feels like the summer heat has arrived!
- The young women start our camp activities tomorrow.
- My cub scouts are working on a play and we begin painting our backdrops tomorrow.
- Luke is playing little league baseball and has a game tomorrow (busy day tomorrow!)
- I have relay for life Friday night, all night long party with lots of fun ladies.

Happy, busy, productive week! And congratulations McIntires!! ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

congrats to maddie! can't wait to see pics. xo