

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 weeks and counting

I went to my 36 week appointment today. I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. That's something. I am extremely hot all the time and greatly uncomfortable. But this is par for the course, right? I've been here before. 4 times. And I've survived. But HE-- it is not easy!

My motivation is either at a low, like limp helium balloon day after a party bobbing on the carpet low. Or high, like "let's pull everything out of the pantry and check expiration dates and reorganize it!" high. There's not a whole lot in between at this point.

And in this very moment I am at a low. Just fed dinner and need to motivate homework, chores, piano, bedtime....  But instead I've booted all the kids out to swim. Debated going out myself to cool this body down but decided instead on some time under the ceiling fan in peace.  At the computer.  Aaaaaahhh...

I'd really like to update my blog in the next few weeks. I took a major hiatus this year but sort-of miss the journaling and outlet that blogging is. So my hope is to take the months one at a time and catch-up quick.  These kids are far too cute, much too sweet and growing way too fast not to capture them as best I can.

Tyler and I tell ourselves regularly that these are 'those days' -- the good old days that we will think back on our whole lives, when we had all the kids under one roof and they liked us and wanted our hugs and followed our rules.  It is exhausting work. But so extremely rewarding.

Now. To January 2013.

1 comment:

DeeDee said...

I admire you. My one single 2.5 year old exhausts me & most days I wonder where I'll find the energy for two! I guess I have 5 months to look for it :-) you're such a great family!