

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Early days with Mikey

Michael Joseph Hillstead arrived into our family 3 days ago, tonight. He came after a patience-trying week of waiting on if, when and how we were going to get into the hospital for an induction. I knew I was big and I knew I was uncomfortable. To some who suggested I relax and let my due date come and go, just to see how long I'd go I simply replied "No." Terrible idea. This baby and I were ready for the pregnancy to end.

Mikey's time inside me was thankfully uneventful. My prenatal appointments with the doctor, who has already delivered three of our children, went like clock-work. There were never concerns or issues. And my delivery went the same way.

We were called in for the induction at 11:30am Sunday morning after being put-off since 5am (which felt like a huge deal at first but really wasn't). They started pitocin at 12:30, broke my water at 6:30pm and I was ready to push at 11:20pm. He arrived here, all 9 pounds 6 ounces, at 11:26pm after about 2.5 pushes. No tears no stitches, just a bruised-faced little buddy.

The biggest surprise of his arrival: Mikey's weight. We knew he was chubby, first thing I noticed when they placed him upon me were his shoulders and cheeks, but a 9.5 pounder?!  Second surprise, his dark black hair.  Were we sure this was our baby?  Yep, I saw him come with my own eyes. He's ours. Just another Hillstead combination.

Turns out these two surprises have become his most endearing traits. How can I stand not to eat such a chubby, mushy and adorable child?! And his head, like the softness of a lucky rabbits foot, just begs to be rubbed by everyone who holds him. He is delicious!

So far - I have two rules regarding this #5 baby of mine which I share with people, only half joking. #1 - He is not to be set down for the first two weeks of life. He is too precious and there are far too many loving arms for this boy to be set down. #2 - He is not to cry. Mommy will give him what he wants, when. I added a #3 rule today, which is for him. He is not allowed to lift his head up off my shoulder for a least a few more weeks. He's only 3 days and already trying to do it. So I had to tell him, "No no - too soon little one."

Mikey's stats and schedule so far have been eat, eat, eat sleep and poop. He likes to put down groceries. Thankfully this has helped a lot with my milk coming in and engorgement hasn't been an issue. I'm feeding him on demand which turns out to be almost hourly during the day and I don't mind that a bit.  The nights have gone well. I never take issue with newborns who wake to eat or be changed, only when they stay up to play in the wee hours of the night. And he isn't doing that - yet. He is all business then cuddles up nicely into my arms to doze back off. If I'm being honest I do like the quiet alone time at night just he and I. I know as the sleepless weeks wear on it gets less and less fun. But I am enjoying it for now.

Lastly, how are the big kids adjusting and what is life like around the house? Thanks to a husband/daddy who has been through this 5 times now and a grandma who can read my mind, the home is running like clockwork! Tyler has been adorable and so helpful. He stayed with me the entire hospital stay, wrote in Mikey's journal as he's done for all of our kids (a tradition my dad started for me), brought me home to a clean, quiet home made possible by my mom and got me and baby camp all situated in our room. He has been hands on packing lunches and putting kids to bed and really allowing nothing of me but to do the baby, which I SO appreciate.  In between and around all that my mom has worked tirelessly to provide meals, do laundry, get groceries, keep the house clean, manage homework, complete projects, deliver birthday donuts, etc etc. I told them the other night, the three of us make a great team! ;)

All in all I feel blessed. I have the sweetest bundle in my arms who is healthy and strong and content. I have a loving husband who supports me and rubs my feet and works me through my illogical emotional roller-coaster rides. I am surrounded by my older children who need and want and love me as their mom. And I have the help of extended family and friends who lighten my load and ease my burden.

5 children. Wow. I'm still getting used to how that feels. As I wrote in my journal from the hospital, one of my mantras, "The most difficult things in life will be those with the greatest reward"certainly applies to pregnancy - and raising a family. I feel like Heavenly Father looks down on us in this crazy world with everything going constantly in different directions. He sees our home and watches our efforts as parents to provide consistency, peace, love and perspective to these children, His children and ours. And I feel Him whispering to me, "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

And it is.


Jana said...

Oh my goodness. Well said my friend. Way to get me crying (although it doesn't take much). ;) I look up to you so much. ♡

Angela said...

Congratulations! He is adorable! I love that dark hair! Enjoy the sweetness of a newborn. And, if there is ever a lack of arms to hold him, I'm home every Tuesday and Thursday (with NO kids, weird!) :>

Maddie McEntire said...

Tears in my eyes! Well said! I admire you you and your strength. You are an amazing mom to those 5 kids and they are so lucky to have you and Ty (and grandma). I cant wait to kiss his cheeks. He is a dream. Love you lots


DeeDee said...

What an amazing mama and family. You are made to do what you do. Lucky kiddos. xo