

Thursday, October 31, 2013

One month old Mikey

Michael is one month old! Happy day he is one month! To be honest he looks and feels like he's a good two months. But thankfully he is not and we can continue to soak in the newborn noises and snuggles before he changes too much.

Mikey is a noisy kid! The nicknames squeaky and rooster apply to this trait. When he nurses he hums, squeaks and swallows so loudly that everyone in the room (or movie theater) are well aware that I have plenty of milk for him. I guess all my kids were like this, my friend has reminded me. And we still all hum and sing and whistle to ourselves around the house - so I guess it's just a happy Hillstead thing.

Mikey enjoys a shower and bath. He is so funny when I wash his head, his eyes roll back and his head flops to the side as if to say, "Aaaaahhh." He tends to spit up some when he's laying flat on his back so I do bathe him often to clean that chubby neck roll and hair. There is nothing like a fresh clean baby lotioned up and snuggle wrapped. It is one of my favorite things these days.  And showering with his newborn little body? So dang cute!

Mikey prefers to be held, as we all do. But when he cannot be he is content in the swing on vibrate, sleeping on the couch or bed, or in the carseat next to the running washer or dryer. That is my go-to when I really need to get something done. The rhythm and sound of the machines knock him right out. He sleeps and eats around the clock the same day and night. He is on a two-hour feeding schedule. He nurses awesomely for about 15-20 mins at a time and burps like a champ.

Mikey still has not ever cried a big wail of a cry. Even when he was born he cried out a few good times but then hushed up. At home he works himself up slowly with grunts and pouts and big deep breaths but isn't apt to let it fly. I'm hoping its a sign of his temperament.

Mikey is strong and big! He likes to be in the snuggly and holds his own head up like a bobble head! I weighed him yesterday and I think he is 11.5lbs! He blew through newborn diapers in 4 days, I had to give them to a friend. And he's now leaking out of size one so I am going to buy twos this week!  He is filling out 0-3 month clothes and will be ready for 3-6 months soon. He is a pudgy, soft, content little guy. And also my workout buddy - since nursing is my weight-loss plan at this point! :)  Fat goes from me to him…

What else?  Mikey loves going on walks, drives in the car. He loves being burrito-wrapped. He is good with a binki once he starts sucking it but doesn't initially want it. He is sleeping in our bedroom, sometimes in his bed and most-times in ours at this point. He loves his daddy to wrap a warm arm around him to help him go back to sleep. And sleeps best on his tummy on my chest.

To think that we've only had this little boy in our lives for 30 days is incredible.  He has changed our family so quickly and added so much to it that its hard to remember life before him.  We love little Mikey!!

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