

Friday, January 24, 2014

Many hands make light work

I was standing in my think tank (the shower) this morning after reading one of my favorite blogs thinking about how much I love you children and how much I want to do for you. I've kept a blog for us for nearly 5 years now and have printed each year into a book - which you Ashley especially love. I am thankful for this family record and journal. And I want to improve upon it this year 2014 by writing specifically to you, my five children. So that if or when anything happens to me, I grow old and start sprouting hairs out of my chin and can't see or taste or remember much, you will have a way to reminsice on our happy life during your growing up years. Plus you will read the words of your mother who loves each one of you and daddy more than anything else in the whole wide world.

So - here begins a new chapter. My online journal of letters for my dear kids. Day 1. Life. Housecleaning.

This week like every week I've been working to get the house in control. Monday was a holiday so we met the Coons at Tumbleweed park for a picnic and hours in the sun riding scooters and swings. Mondays are usually my house re-group day with laundry and dishes and weekend clutter control to do. But we played. So by Wednesday I still hadn't gotten my groove back and felt a little bit overwhelmed. Between holding Michael and giving Claire the attention she deserves (and demands) I have a hard time being productive. I often feel like I walk in circles nursing, preparing food, getting down this, putting away that, nursing, wiping off counters, preparing food, helping with this, putting away that. I'm moving just not accomplishing much. Life is supposed to be this way with a new baby.

So…I was thinking about how I may need to talk to dad about getting a housecleaner in here every couple weeks to keep on top of the deep cleaning like bathrooms and mopping. I can manage the everyday stuff ok and really appreciate the chore a day you guys do to help. But. That afternoon when you big kids came home from school I heard the prompting, "have your kids help you".

I thought, "thats right!" My kids can, and should, help me!  I gathered you for around the counter for a snack and told you that - bonus - you could have 30 minutes of electronics right then after school which usually isn't allowed. The trade, I said, is that I needed some serious work out of you. 20 or 30 minutes each. You all happily complied.

By that night we had done it. There were no tears, no big deals made. Luke vacuumed the whole upstairs. Ashley unloaded the whole dishwasher. Jake was my runner and ran clutter from here to there and put everything where it belonged. Jake took Claire to play at the park which made her day and Ashley sorted the laundry room. Luke took out garbages. When daddy walked in the door the house smelled like candle and felt awesome. YOU GUYS are my solution. We had done in 30 minutes what would have taken me a day or two to do alone with Mikey and Claire. And its not like I don't usually have you work. I know you can work and you do chores everyday. This time just meant a lot to me because of the way I felt that day like I couldn't get anything done and you kids really helped.

I really appreciate it! I'm proud that you know how to work and get so much done. I'm proud that you are able to help out and willing to do it with a smile on your face. We are so blessed. We have so much. We don't need a housecleaner to come and scrub while we putter around. We've got smart minds and healthy, able bodies and we are the stewards of our own stuff.

I love you guys!,


Claire (3 years), Michael (3 months) are my two little buddies during the day

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