

Friday, January 24, 2014

Bedtime stories

I heard a mother joking last week about waking up in the morning like Mary Poppins and going to bed like Cruella Deville. I shoot to be more like Super Nanny sun up to sun down, but often times the Cruella in me starts bubbling up around tinkle, pjs, teeth-brush time.

So I set a goal. For 2014 every night I want to read to one of you. Ashley you inspired me with your love to read and need for mommy time at the end of each day. I went out to costco and bought the great big Roald Dahl set while we were in Utah, with Aunt Natalie remember?, and you were thrilled. I decided then on my commitment to read at bedtime more often. We have always read to you as babies and toddlers but when you begin school you've started reading a lot on your own. We have little lamps that clip onto your beds or on your bedside table and I'm always impressed how each of you stay up to read. But its different than having a parent climb in beside you to read aloud, I know.

We knew Jake would love the one-on-one time too. So dad and I have been alternating bedrooms, reading to the boys or girls most nights. Not every night -- if you get to stay up late we forfeit, but most nights we have been (this is another great motivator for getting you downstairs quickly).

So far we have read the Magic finger, The giraffe, pelly and me and the BFG. Well, those are the ones we're on right now. BFG in the girls' room, the crazy Giraffe book in the boys'.  Luke climbs up on Jakes bed because suddenly his own book isn't as tempting the one we're reading. And Claire messes around her room with her dollies while we read in there. Listening, while playing.

Its the simplest thing but makes a big difference. I'm enjoying it and I know you guys are too.

Reading bedtime stories is one of those things I want to be able to look back on my years with all of you under our roof and know that I read them. That I wasn't so tired at night that I tucked you in quick with a kiss and turned out the light (although that happens a lot). I want to be able to think back on cozy nights under your covers with my arm wrapped around your sweet little pajamaed bodies reading funny, interesting, memorable books together.

And we're on our way!,


Pull-up head. Or captain underpants. How about Captain Pull-up-pants?

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