

Saturday, December 15, 2007

T'was the Night Before Christmas

As I mentioned before, Christmas is coming early to our house. Tonight is Christmas Eve and I am getting all this blogging done while I wait for the kids to be good and asleep... and while Tyler assembles Luke's new desk chair...
Tonight we went for Mexican food and then over to the Temple to see the beautiful Christmas lights. We like this tradition because it helps us all to focus on our Savior at Christmas, not just on Santa Clause. We came home to new matching Christmas p.J.s .... oh shoot! Tyler just went outback to throw a box away and caught a glimpse of the big present I had waiting for him, delivered by a friend! Ugh. I HATE when that happens. Anyway, the kids were darling and happy and excited and threw magic glittery oats for the reindeer to come eat. It's been a fun night!

This might be my favorite picture of the season! It completely sums up what tonight was like for us trying to keep these kids from bouncing off the walls!


Blake Hillstead said...

anne and ty - we just looked at all the new additions to the blog....we wish we had so much to update people on! You guys seem to be living the life down there. we CANNOT wait to see you next week!

Lizzie said...

Cute, cute pictures of your kids in their jammies. Are you guys activities chairs? That's what I am (except I have no co-chair and no committee) and we just finished our party on Friday night. Yay. I feel like I can finally enjoy the season.

DeeDee said...

love it anne! so, how was your christmas? i hope santa was good to all of you! love ya.