

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


We put our house on the market last week, hoping to sell it by this summer so that we could move closer to family. Ty put it on the MLS Thursday and it sold yesterday! Pretty surprising, to say the least.

The contract puts us on the streets in 30 days (the Sat. after Thanksgiving)... and we are not yet ready to leave the state (don't want to go until late Spring), so we have to find something to rent for the interum... until March or so.

If you know of a place, or have a place nearby let me know. It'll need to be a month to month agreement ... but we won't be picky.

So that's the big news from here for the month. I remember at Christmas when our family made 2008 predictions, I stated that I just wanted our year to be status-quo/no big changes. But by February Tyler had changed jobs, and by December we'll be in a new house! At least our number of children has remained the same... :)


Kyle said...

WHAT? That is insane...congrats! But don't move...please!

bethiepoos said...

why dont you rent our old house until you move??? its lieing empty and I know marks dad would love to get someone in there????

The Curtis Family said...

Yes Anne, rent Beth's old house!!!!! Yay! Neighbors!!