Here she is! And she's prettier in person. I have slaved over this piece of furniture painstakingly... tediously... methodically ... almost slave-labor-in-a-sweat-shop like, and she is finished! At last!
As I mentioned before, I've envisioned a piece just like this for years. She lights up at night and looks so pretty in my kitchen. I pulled all my dishes out today and organized them in her. I am just so happy!
Last night in bed, Tyler expressed some concern about the amount of time that this little endeavour was demanding of me, and I stopped him in his tracks - "No. Stop. This is like our fourth child, honey! You can only win by saying good things about her."
He must have gotten the message because he came home tonight, kissed me and looked quickly to her, "Oh, wow! That looks so good! It is way better than I imagined!" After I excitedly showed him how nicely everything fits into it, he commented that, had he known how much I wanted one of these, he would have bought me one years ago.
Oh well. She's a special piece of art, this hutch of mine. She and I have a life long bond.

P.S. In case you're wondering what all I had to do to her, here are my steps: I got her, took all the hardware off, glass panes out, doors off. Lugged her piece by piece inside, primed her white, primed her red, lugged her back out to the garage, spray painted her red, sanded her, put the hardware back on and her back together, lugged her back inside, stained her sanded spots and loaded her up. Don't worry, I'll never do anything like this again.
I lOVE this post and I LOVE your kids quotes on the side- hilarious! Congrats on your 4th. It reminds me of something I'd see at my parents house. hehe. :-) I guess you really are a mom! YES, send me any of your recipes... I'd love it. I'm a total lame-o in the kitchen and spoiled b/c Geoff cooks every night! I can't believe you are moving! i need to hear more about that. love ya. call me when you can.
That is painfully beautiful! Lots of love and hard work just like a 4th child. Loved your post!
Love how you call her a "her" throughout. it looks amazing! can't wait to see it in person. Ty is a smart man to just go with it....
love ya
nice work, anne! i am so impressed.
Want to come to my house next? I have a couple of tables that need refinished...
Without all of your hard work and love, it would just be a nice piece of furniture. Now it is part of the family with lots of memories. It is beautiful.
Hahaha! I love that you refer to it as "her" and told Tyler he could only win by saying nice things...hilarious! It looks really good! I noticed it when I was over...sorry I didn't say anything :)
"She" is beautiful Anne, and to think she probably never talked back to you the whole time. You are a crazy good mom and wife, to be able to tackle something like this. Props to you!
lucky. you must be really rich. i wish i could be married to ty.
It turned out great. I can't wait to see it in person.
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