

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Hillstead Holiday Greeting

Happy Thanksgiving!
"From our little Turkeys,
To Yours!"

Sorry, I had to share it again! Thanksgiving 2006, my mom bought a 16 pound turkey and baby Jake weighed 16 lbs too! When she got the turkey out to prepare it, I was getting Jacob out of the bath and the resemblence was hysterical! We had fun trying to get his picture! I think someday, he'll really love me for this. ;)


natalie said...

happy thanksgiving to you guys! we love you!!

Erika said...

My secretary LOVES this picture. Every time she sees it...every time she THINKS about it, she cracks up. (I have it saved on my computer and my screen saver is the slide show...)

The Curtis Family said...

I CANNOT stop laughing at this picture. I just laughed so loud you probably heard it next door :).

Congrats to Luke on the 2-wheeler! I'll tell my kids to go grab him next time they're hitting the road (well, the sidewalk in front of our house - if we combine your driveway, my driveway and the sidewalk, they'll have a regular race course!).

Leah said...

Hi Anne! I saw your blog from Sabrina's. I had to comment on this picture... it's the dang cutest thing I have ever seen! So hilarious! And I can't believe how busy you have been! Glad you got moved out and in ok. You are truly amazing!

Everyday Moments said...

Like Katie, You could probably even hear me laughing from way over at my end of the neighborhood. This is so funny and you for sure need to send it in somewhere and make some $$ off of it. Hee hee! This is the cutest picture ever and his wife will love it for sure.
