In the last seven days I've lifted every belonging we have and relocated it; Unpacked it; Hosted houseguests; kept up with a household of ten, pulling most things out of boxes as we needed them; Did Thanksgiving; cleaned and closed on the old house; made 50 3-D snowflakes for a ward party; hit black Friday; watched Luke learn to ride a two-wheeler; saw the Temple Lights; visited Santa; felt like Santa; and a partridge in a pear tree....
What day is it? Is it December yet?? And why is someone else's PODS in my driveway?! What just happened....
The week in pictures in no particular order (monster upload done a day after this post, only after having gone to bed at 7:30 and now feeling much better):

We TRULY are blessed this Thanksgiving with so many wonderful things. Among them, our families, our good health and our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Another great Thanksgiving.
wow you must be so tired!! all great pics though and all in all you are so blessed with everything you have! let's catch up on the phone soon! love ya.
I love no pants riding bikes. So is it true? You are planning a move to UT? I have thought about you and your family and especially your Dad a lot lately and I would love to be able to just hang out with you, so come March I will be excited to see you! Okay, I'll give you some time to settle in. I saw Drew's beautiful Mug (ha ha I didn't even do that on purpose) on the freeway! And I just read his story on the website. I am so proud of him! I think it is awesome you entered him, too. What an awesome big sis!
Luke can actually learn how to ride his bike and not worry about getting hit by a car! Delightful pictures of your Thanksgiving dinner. Ali is looking cute and preg.
you go girl--you truly get the award in the past month! i think about your move/holiday guests/mom duties and i don't know how you've done it!!! but as always, you do it in style, and still manage to blog about it :) can't wait to see you soon!!! darling pics... :)
I want to come see your new place...let's get together next week!
I loved your comment on my are a veteran mom you could distinguish features in an ultrasound...I think she looks like Ben also :)
i feel ya sista. i love your new header picture by the way, it is so cute!
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