

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A friend in need of prayers

Here is the link to a friend's blog. She is a really close friend to my college roommate and has recently been diagnosed with cancer. I can't get her off my mind, as she is near my age and has two young children like so many of us.

Sometimes it seems like cancer is getting to everybody these days and it is just scary. Having seen what I've seen and been through what I've been through with my dad's battle with cancer I have a very tender spot in my heart for others who go through it too.

As Rashelle mentions on her blog, this is just the beginning (she was just recently diagnosed and starts chemo this week), but I thought some of you might like to follow along and offer her support through loving comments and prayers.

When you get the her site, click on "survivor" at the top of the page.


1 comment:

Kyle said...

Anne, this is so heartwrenching! Especially today as I am off to a High School friends funeral (she passed away on Friday from colon cancer)!
I kept meaning to tell you about her...she has a really inspiring blog if you want to check it out...it's http://lemondademakers.blogspot.com