Since word is going to start traveling soon I want to share the news myself and show a few pictures of OUR NEW HOUSE!! Yes folks, we bought a new place and it's right here in good old Arizona! (Cortina - a neighborhood 2 or 3 miles from here)
Everything about this 'house swap' of ours has been crazy. The fact that we put our old house up in the first place, how quickly it sold, the rental we were lucky to get, and this new house! Life has been up in the air, but it's all good. And for those wondering what happened to us getting to Utah, we've had to put that on the back back burner. Once we moved out pf our other house and assessed the situation with the economy we just couldn't feel right about quitting a good job to get there. Our families are going to have to wait (or move here!!). :)
So my latest hobby has been to access the MLS under Tyler and use his lockbox key to go into vacant homes. I walked into this one by myself Tuesday and as Tyler puts it "I began to foam at the mouth!" The house is exactly what I have dreamed about!! And as a shortsale the price was right, we just had to move FAST. So here it is Thursday and we already got it. We are in the inspection period now for ten days and things can still change so this isn't a done deal but we'll see.
If things go the way they are expected to, we move in Feb. 28th... three and a half weeks! I'm telling you, things have been wild. Enough talk, here are the pics.
BUT, I do also want to say how much we are going to miss the great people in this ward and specifically the awesome neighbors in HIGH 5. So many good friends we've made in the last 5 years.


Patio from familyroom

The kicker - stairs to the basement

The basement mini-kitchen

The park around the corner


That was so fun looking at your new home yesterday! I love it and think it is absolutely perfect!
Once again you can't seem to not be near me!:) Welcome to the neighborhood neighbor!
WHAT??? That is so exciting! And I am personally glad you aren't moving to Utah! Can't wait to see it.
One of my good friends from High School just moved into Cortina as well...she has 3 little kids! You'll have to hook up with her!
My feelings are so hurt. I'm taking it as a personal attack that you are moving away from here. I guess I'm happy for you though. I really will miss seeing you right across the street though!
What ever will you do with the wine rack!?!
Congrats! It looks like a dream!
Yeay congrats my love! Geoff and I are doing our first house hunting experience on Sunday, so I hope it's as successful as yours! I don't even WANT to compare house prices between here and there! Maybe we'll come to Arizona! ;-)
Talk about a busy past few months! way to go--we're really excited for you guys. it looks amazingly beautiful--thx for posting pics and keep us in the loop :)
Bummer that you can't be near family. I know how much that would mean to you guys. But seriously, your new house is beautiful! Good luck with the move!
There is always something new and exciting in your life. Nothing ever stands still for you but the house is gorgeous! We'll be around that weekend so if we can help let us know! I am sure that Cole and Kate would love to help you move a few boxes. I believe in child labor...hee, hee.
Well, now you are even closer to me. I am very excited for you. Thomas talked for days about the friends he made (your kids), we will have to do the park thing again soon. So glad you are sticking with sunny AZ!
NO, don't tell me you are leaving. Don't you know, people can move into the neighborhood (Ward) but they cannot leave.
My sis lives in Cortina.
wow, that house is AMAZING!
Congrats to you all! Good luck in the weeks to come. moving is not fun, but when you are moving into a place like this it makes it all worth it.
it will always look that clean right?
Wow, it's always exciting at your house! I love your soon to be NEW home! How fun. I'm glad you'll be around a little bit longer.
Anne that's so great! It's beautiful and I'm glad everything is working out for you and your family!!
Love the kitchen! How awesome it has a basement, they are a life saver.
What a crazy and exciting time for you and your family! Hopefully you'll still be there when we move back to AZ! Your new home is beautiful, best of luck with yet another move!!
How close is this to your old house? GORGEOUS!
This house reminds me a lot of your other home but with bonus of the basement with kitchen. And the backyard looks awesome. Exciting. Love, Shauna
Wow its a good post.
Work from home
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