My notes and testimony about life for YOU, my five perfect gifts dropped down from heaven
Thursday, March 12, 2009
My 1st grade drummer-boy
Tonight Luke had his very first drum performance at school. When I read the program I was surprised to find that he was performing with only two other friends in his class, and he wasn't a bit nervous! He did great and I will try to upload the video again tomorrow - didn't work tonight. He must have gotten his drumming skills from his grandpa Mark! P.S. I also got him his first suit for church last week and couldn't move the car until I'd gotten a picture of his handsomeness. Where has my baby gone?!
Ahhhhh Anne!!! That was so fun to watch him tonight he nailed it! It was so stinkin cute!
What a handsome little boy :-) Love his new suit!
i am in love with him!!! he is so so so cute!!!!
Luke -- Grandma Wells and I are looking at you in your suit and we cannot believe how fabulous you look. You are so handsome!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Nanna
What a little missionary in his suit! I love it.
A budding musician. Excellent.
Happy Birthday to Anne!!!
what a little stud! and wow he is growing up so fast :) way to go luke! and happy birthday ann!
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