I guess this is what happens when your family watches too much 'Cake Boss' (TLC) in the summer. Yesterday we were all gathered around watching our new fav show and decided we wanted to set our hands at cake baking and decorating!
As part of our date, after a delicious dinner at Brio (SanTan mall, we recommend it!), we walked down to Barnes&Noble and I found a decorating cakes for kids book. Ty was being so cute and helped me choose which cake to make and then we went to walmart and got the items we needed. Buddy (the Boss) says 'fondant' in a really cool way with his New Jersey accent and now that is our favorite word : "fon-dawnt". We considered making our own since that is the neatest part of his cakes but found that they sell it ready to go on the cake decorating isle so we scored some that way.
Anyway, our task today after church was to make our (mine included) first cake from scratch, frosting and all, and decorate it like the book showed. It was so much fun! Took hours. And it was definately warm in the kitchen. But it was fun.

Isn't she perdy?! We haven't tasted it yet but I do think she looks good! :)
UPDATE: The cake was average at best. We each ate a little bit after dinner and concluded that none of us including the kids are really 'cake people' - we'd much rather spend our time, money and calories on things like plain chocolate (Sees), ice-cream or even cookies. So why did I just buy a $20 cake decorating book? I'm not exactly sure now. Looks like the birthday cakes this Fall might just be store bought... or at least out of a box!! :) We'll leave the cake business to Buddy.
DANG GINA. way to go. is that real popcorn on the cake? do let me know how it tasted!! I'm excited to see what you come up with come aug, sept, and oct. you should be pro after all that!
The cake looks cute! Don't worry about the $20...its all about making memories! Your kids will always remember making this cake and it's way better then spending $20 on a movie or something they will never remmeber! So it wasn't a waste! Plus, knowing Ashley she will probably get into cake decorating in a couple years!
You did an amazing job on the cake. It looks just like the one in the book, who cares how it tasted. It looks so dang cute. The cake boss has nothing on you. (that's also my favorite show)
Anne - you are SUPERMOM!!!
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