Jake and Ashley continue to come into our bed in the middle of the night. Although I don't hate it, it is bothering me because I can't exactly sleep on 12 inches of mattress space very well.
So I talked to my sister Ali and asked what she would do to curb the problem and she said, "do you want a nice way or a mean way?" I said, "both". She said the mean way would be to lock them into their rooms or lock them out of my room. I'd thought of that, but know that it will create a lot of mid-night drama - and I have tried it.
She offered, the nice way would be to "call" the "bed fairy" and have her start visiting the kids with surprises under the pillows of children who stay in their beds all night. Normally I'm not all for going this all out, but I knew it would work, especially for Ash.
So I told Ashley the good news when she got home from school Friday - that the bed fairy would be coming that night and she was excited! She stayed in her bed the whole night!, and Jake stayed in his until 6am!, at which point I let him climb into our bed while I snuck out to put treats under Luke and Ashley's pillow (jake didn't get it because he climbed in with me before the sun was up). That morning Ashley was thrilled but a little concerned that the fairy left the same kind of fruit snacks that we already had at our house. Luke just looked at me like I was crazy, but he knew better than to blow the secret (this may be the kind of thing that starts to kill the toothfairy deal too).
Last night, our second night doing this, THEY ALL STAYED IN THEIR OWN BEDS ALL NIGHT! What a thrill. Tyler and I woke up next to one another, in peace! And when I heard the kids coming in, with candy hearts in hand (I had snuck out to their pillows about 7am just before they woke up), Jake asked "mom, are you the fairy-tale?!" It was funny. So I think all three of them are catching on to the idea that I may be the "fairy-tale", but I don't think they care. They'll stay in their beds for a surprise under their pillows in the morning! Thanks for the suggestion Ali!!
dang gina, I am a genius! So glad it's working. Now, don't get lazy about it! keep the fairy on top of her game until the habit is broken!
Now, I'm sorry I'm a bit of a blog-hopper. I'm Jon Viehweg's sister-in-law, he played soccer with Blake. Anyhow your story of the fairys made me think of my sister-in-law who makes amazing Fairy Portals. She can make ones that are more boyish if you request it.
Haha, this was hilarious! It sounded all too familiar! I have 2 kids that LOVE to climb into our bed in the middle of the night too! And I got so sick of sleeping on 12 inches as well! I just started turning off their night light so they couldn't see their way to our room. It worked for the older one but the baby still manages to come in. Loved your story, especially the part about the same fruit snacks you had in your pantry! Haha!
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